
How did Edward the second die? and is it true he was a b e n d e r ?

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Was Prince Edward named after him?




  1. The thing about his death is true from what I know. Although the thing about him being g*y hasn't really been proven in history. No one really knows for sure rather or not he was. They just speculate. Just like Luther Vandross. No one knows that just paint that ugly disrespectful picture of great people when they should not do that. I think that is wrong. Although you may want to search the web to learn more about this great man!


  2. One version tells that the king was suffocated to death.

    The other, more famous version, is from The Brut Chronicles:

    "...when that night the king had gone to bed and was asleep, the traitors, against their homage and their fealty, went quietly into his chamber and laid a large table on his stomach and with other men's help pressed him down. At this he woke and in fear of his life, turned himself upside down. The tyrants, false traitors, then took a horn and put it into his fundament as deep as they could, and took a pit [rod] of burning copper, and put it through the horn into his body, and oftentimes rolled therewith his bowels, and so they killed their lord and nothing was perceived."

    This would seem a fitting death for a homosexual man...

    As to whether he was g*y or not, history has painted him as such, with his favourite Piers Gaveston, and the le Despensers, father and son.  However, more modern historical thought theorizes that, in medieval times, men could show more emotion and "brotherliness" towards other men, in pure but deeper friendship.  It's also a fact that we cannot understand the Medieval mind.  (See Derek Brewer.)

    Edward died in Berkeley Castle, where his screams are still said to echo...

    (Edit:  I don't think Prince Edward was named after him - there were quite a lot of Edwards after the second one with much better reputations!)

  3. It was rumored that Edward had been killed by the insertion of a piece of copper into his r****m (later a red-hot iron rod, as in the supposed murder of Edmund Ironside). Murder in this manner would have appeared a natural death, as a metal tube would have been inserted into the a**s first, thus allowing the iron rod to penetrate the entrails without leaving a burn on the buttocks.

    Edward II was known to have a few male favorites, some to even be rumored as his lovers, and he was speculated to have been a bisexual. His two famous male favorites were  Piers Gaveston and Hugh le Despenser the younger. Queen Isabella had a special dislike for Hugh. Various historians have suggested, and it is commonly believed, that he and Edward had an ongoing sexual relationship.

  4. It is actually not known for sure how he died though there's a rumour of a very unpleasant way which you may perhaps have heard.  

    It's almost certain he was a homosexual  if that's what a  b e n d e r is. Apparently he spent a lot of money on his favourites including some male lovers and tried to limit the power of the barons, and those among other things did not endear him to many Britons. He and his wife didn't get on at all well either, not surprisingly. She led a rebellion against him, and he was forced to abdicate. He was later murdered (probably)  In sources from his own century it seems the public did nt know what had become of him, some said he was suffocated, some said throttled... but nothing like what would be later rumoured - that he had had a heated metal pole shoved up his r****m.  Ouch!  But this could have been made up since it first came to light I think in writing from someone who was very anti Edward II's enemies and may have been trying to portray them as more barbaric.

    As for The Prince Edward, son of Elizabeth II, well there's been a lot of Edwards in between, so I very much doubt the 2nd is a namesake they had in mind.

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