
How did Einstein use the largest part of his brain?

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can we use the largest part of our brain just like einstein did?? if yes, how??




  1. we can....try doing some "brain" excercises....lyk suduko...and any such games

    bt i gues einstein was different frm us....he was "blessed" with it naturally!

  2. Albert Einstein's brain has often been a subject of research and speculation. Einstein's brain was removed within seven hours of his death. The brain has attracted attention because of Einstein's reputation for being one of the foremost geniuses of the 20th century, and apparent regularities or irregularities in the brain have been used to support various ideas about correlations in neuroanatomy with general or mathematical intelligence. Scientific studies have suggested that regions involved in speech and language are smaller, while regions involved with numerical and spatial processing are larger. Other studies have suggested an increased number of Glial cells in Einstein's brain.

    Preserving the brains of geniuses was not a new phenomenon—another famous brain to be preserved and discussed in a similar manner was that of the German mathematician Carl Friedrich Gauss almost a hundred years earlier. His brain was studied by Rudolf Wagner who found its weight to be 1,492 grams and the cerebral area equal to 219,588 square millimeters.  Also found were highly developed convolutions, which was suggested as the explanation of his genius. Other famous brains that were removed and studied include that of Vladimir Lenin and the Native American, Ishi. The brain of Edward H. Rulloff, philologist and "criminal of superior intelligence," was removed after his death in 1871; in 1972, it was still the second largest brain on record.

  3. I do not know this but I know his brain is smaller than a normal human brain.So Then, it is not important to have a small or big brain for us.The important thing is make it work hard by solving problems and producing something.

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