
How did God create humans? ?

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I mean, evolution actually explains how - in physical terms - humans came into being.

Can any christians out there explain the physical or scientific process by which God created humans?

PS - just saying, he can because he can adds no new information and accordingly is not an answer.




  1. eyescu makes the insane claim that men have one less rib than women.

    No, we don't.

    Over the last few years, I have received several e-mail message asking if the number of ribs is different in men and women. To correctly respond to these inquiries, I have researched this issue by looking up this information in several Anatomy and Physiology textbooks. All agree that, based on medical research (somebody actually dissected cadavers and counted ribs, somebody actually looked at x-rays and counted ribs), men and women have the same number of ribs as each other. For example, one book says:

    Twelve pairs of flexible, archlike ribs form the lateral portions of the thoracic cage. They increase in length from the first to the seventh and then decrease again from the eighth to the twelfth.

    (Weinreb, E. L.  1984.  Anatomy and Physiology.  Addison Wesley Publ. Co., Inc.  Menlo Park, CA.  p. 345.)


    But for Adam, no suitable helper was found. So the LORD God caused the man to fall into a deep sleep; and while he was sleeping, he took one of the man’s ribs and closed up the place with flesh. Then the LORD God made a woman from the rib he had taken out of the man, and brought her to the man.

    (Genesis 2: 20b - 22, NIV © 1983 by Zondervan Corp.)

    Notice what this doesn’t say. It doesn’t say anything about how many ribs Adam had before or after this “surgery,” and especially it says nothing, whatsoever, about how many ribs Eve had! Nowhere does it say that Eve had more ribs than Adam. Who made that assumption without checking? Wouldn't it be just as logical to guess (also without checking) that if she was created “second” that God might have made her with the same number of ribs as the new, reduced number that Adam now had? Wouldn’t it really be more logical to guess that God might have created her with the same number of ribs as Adam just to avoid confusion? Genesis doesn't say one way or the other, so the only way to know is to cut open cadavers and start counting. Who has done that — the theologians or the biologists? My guess is that, once again, if human misinterpretations are set aside and if it is remembered that theology looks at “why” while science looks at “how,” there is no “conflict” between what the Bible, itself, is saying and what biologists know to be true about our bodies.


    Whatever else can be said about how many actual ribs all humans have, and what it might or might not mean regarding gawd making us, the basic fact is that men and women have the SAME number of ribs, and anyone who claims, insanely, any different, is simply willfully ignorant about basic human anatomy.  

  2. God created man (not a fish with legs, or something from primordial ooze) from the dust of the earth.  He then breathed life into Adam, and he became a living being.

  3. maybe we evolved from the water;...

  4. God had nothing to do with it, being a fictional being.  

  5. Adam came from dust and Eve came from Adams rib.

    with evolution..if so then why are humans not evolving into something else.I mean  we have been around for years

  6. Maybe he didn't?

  7. A mere mortal human is not capable of using earthly logic to explain the Divine Creator. As I'm sure you read in the Bible (wink, wink) there are things that man is not intended to know or understand.

  8. The Bible isn't meant to be a source of science and history facts, it is supposed have themes drawn out of these stories to improve a Christian's life.

  9. Magic fairy dust.

    He got it from the leprechauns and mixed it in with the dust of the earth.

  10. anyone /thing that claims to know IS A LIAR OR INACCURATE. they all are just ideas.

    himans did not create them selves so they can't know.

    Christians are not God so they can't know.

    no one that exists now existed then.

    end of story.

    its like asking what about anything that happens after a person dies...i mean no one that is dead is alive....

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