
How did Greek perception of reality change Western Civilization?

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I need to answer this question for my summer school work, I don't understand Greek myth at all. Please help.

Best answer to whoever gives me lots of info.




  1. I'm not sure how mythology relates to it, but I know greek philosophy (especially aristotle) set the foundation for western civilization by viewing reality as knowable through reason.  This is contrasted with more eastern philosophy which says we are all connected, for every ying there is a yang, and desiring is suffering.

  2. The major deal is that Greeks were the first to have gods that were not just nature gods. They even had a goddess of civilization! And all these gods had human forms, a big deal for religions of the time. Also they had very advanced math and seafaring knowledge that lasted up to the Renaissance. They had the first democracy in Athens and they made the basis for literature and art for the rest of western history.

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