
How did Guatemala come to speak Spanish?

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guatemala speaks spanish and i want to know when did guatemala spoke spanish?




  1. The Spanish came to Guatemala in 1521. They killed everyone they could find who didn't speak Spanish, unless they didn't have anything worth stealing. That is why the remaining non-spanish speakers are all poor people.

  2. Shortly after the Spaniards came and invaded, conquered, civilized and Chrisitanized it, along with the rest of the sourhter part of the Americas...sometime in the 1500s-1600s or so...

  3. Because Guatemala was part of the Vice kingdom of New Spain, which it was part of the Spaniards Empire for more than over 300 years, so it was the rest of South America, except Brazil, and Central America. As you know Spain is a Hispanic nation, speaks Spanish, because the influence of Spain that's the reason Guatemala speaks Spanish.

  4. When the Conquistadors arrived.  Or shortly thereafter

  5. When Guatemala came to speak spanish is a matter of opinion, as there are still many regions in Guatemala where they speak native tongues only.  

    60% of the country's population speaks spanish and 40% speak one of the 23 officially recognized Amerindian languages, including Quiche, Cakchiquel, Kekchi, Mam, Garifuna, and Xinca.

    Spanish was spoken in Guatemala as early as 1520, but it did not become an "offical" language until 1760 when the British decided to concentrate on the Caribbean instead.

    Guatemala gained it's independance from Spain in 15 September 1821.  

    Does Guatemala have an official language?  Yes, it has 24 official languages!

    I hope this helps.

  6. Cheech Marion taught everybody. He and Chong owned some  kind of plantation down there.

  7. I suppose it might be because of its location, which is right next to Mexico, which is a Spanish speaking country, as we all know.

  8. Wow, that stuff goes back to the Spanish conquests at the end of the 1400's! These lands were ' discovered ' and ' explored ' til the indigenous peoples either died of plague brought by the ' explorers ' - were worked to death finding gold for them, then, ultimately, told they should become part of the Catholic church, and eventually intermarried little by little.

  9. European conquerors came in the 16th century (beginning in 1518), dominating the pre-columbian civilizations (largely Mayan) and subjugating them, forcing them to convert to 'European ways', including language.  Spain being one of these colonizing nations, people were forced to speak Spanish.

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