
How did Hindu Upanishads & maharishis know about 9 planets, horoscope. Did God come to earth and inform them?

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Hindu upanishads & navagraha sthothrams (written in 5000 years back) know about 9 planets. Now only few of those concepts are sceitifically discovered by NASA and other space research scientists.

How did Hindu upanishads authors know this. Did Hindu God come and inform




  1. vivid imaginations plus good drugs.

  2. You are asking this in the wrong category.

    You need to ask this in the religion section.

  3. Hindu culture is the basic for any sceintific research and development. Like logarithms gives the same answer as u do in calculator.

  4. You have this a bit wrong..they did not. Five planets a moon and a comet cover seven deities. Two are demons and they are not actually represented by any known planet...they are intuitive.





    EDIT Corrected for spelling Per third poster.

  5. Didn;t you hear? there are only 8 planets now!

  6. Some people think that language was derived from druidism and that these people were the survivors of the Atlantis. They had superior knowledge which would make people jealous. The druids were supposedly the only people that respected trees religiously. Occultism, in mostly any western respected religions, mostly Judaism, is based on a "tree of life"/knowledge..a.k.a the qabala/kabbala. It was this very "pagan" literature that was actually even responsible for making a small change to the Jewish holy book. Nowhere in any other religion is there proof of respecting trees in such a way. The druids were also known for their superior astronomical knowledge. They did not practice sacrifice in the henges this was propaganda. It is said many holy books were burnt and that druids were an oral people. Likely story being that books were salvaged despite.Especially by "scholars" of Greece and Rome who claimed to be and probably were learned men who did not burn books. The libraries may have been burnt but the books are being safely kept under lock and key to keep the origins of truth and light protected for private use and dominance. The "god" of the Mayans myth is said to be a White man with a long white beard that arrived from the sea and said he would be back but never came. Query: could this have been one of the many Irish Monks that traveled the Atlantic long before the world knew of a "new" world? My suggestion to myself and any "religious" person looking into these things..Occupy your time with more use full and sane endeavours. Ff this were true there is nothing we can do about it but pray the current thiefs of such knowledge use it for all of our good. Or steer clear of religion for much if not all is based on occultism.

  7. Our Ancient forefathers in India have been observing the skies from the earliest times like in any other part of the world those days. Unlike the modern man who never thinks of lifting his eyes to look at the skies, the first homo sapient animal (man) had all the evening to look at the stars in the absence of lights, electricity and night life.

    Each of our rishis who number about a few lakhs was a thinker, seer and scientist rolled into one. Because of their labours you are witness to the enormous body of knowledge. All that crystallized into the writings of Brahma Gupta, Varaha mihira and Aryabhatta principally. The present 'Panchanga sutras' for calculating are followed from Aryabhateeyam that was translated many times into many Indian languages. He fixed the positions of the 7 planets (not the shadows - Rahu & Kethu) at Spring Equinox of 499 AD as a reference. Jyotisha (Astrology) is a 'Vedanga' (part of a Veda) that laid basics  of the subject. All that is available in India in English (Published by the likes of 'Motilal Banarsidas' of Varanasi).

    I am not aware of any Upanishadic author who has dabbled into this branch of Mathematics. Upanishads are discourses and debates on Vedanta, what can roughly be translated as 'Metaphysics' (1 of the 5 parts of Philosophy).

    The stottras you mentioned are part of rituals that is separate.

  8. First understand that the 9 planets dealt in Indian astrology are1Sun 2 Moon 3 Mercury 4 Venus 5 Mars 6 Saturn 7 Jupiter 8Rahu 9 Kethu. Out which 5 are naked eye planets visible from time when man can see.

    Sun and moon are not planets but a Star and a satellite

    Rahu and kethu are not planets but just the ascending and descending node of Suns path and moons path  intersections.

    Since eclipse happens only at these points,they named it Grahas.So Gods intervention not needed to know all these 9 objects they say planets!

  9. the irish told them,,word is :deities: stephen

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