
How did Hitler feel about the Asians?

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Did Hitler consider the Asians to be a "sub-human", "filthy" race, like the Jews, Roma, Slavs, etc.? I once read somewhere that he did consider them sub-human (even though Japan was part of the Axis), but I can't find anything to back that up now.

Any information about how Hitler felt towards the Asians would be most appreciated.

Thanks. :)




  1. In order to facilitate the Tripartite Axis, Hitler declared the Japanese people to be "honorary Aryans" which did not do anything to really please the Japanese who believed their Emperor was a direct descendant from God. It was probably a good thing for both parties that they were separated by the entire planet, as they both at their very core felt the other race was "sub human." Hitler also continued the Weimar policy of selling military technology to China who was being attacked by Japan (before the Axis) which served the purpose of bringing in hard currency to finance Germany's military buildup AND circumventing the military restrictions from the Treaty of Versailles.

    As Hitler told Ernst Roehm immediately before having him murdered, "I make promises every day, and none of them mean anything!" In his mind, he could justify any and all decisions with his overriding desire to build an immense military machine for the domination of Europe. As stated above, Hitler could live with ANY racial group (for a time) if he felt it got him where he was going.  

  2. In a particularly choice quote he referred to his Japanese allies as "lacquered half-monkeys." I guess he wasn't overflowing with admiration for them...

  3. Hitler was a egocentric misanthropic political surfer who despised and looked down on everyone (except Mussolini and Rommel).  He cultivated the Aryan myth (then some 100years old), spiced it up with carefully chosen extracts of Nietzsche's philosophical writings and served it with a hot anti-jew sauce (very popular in Western society in those days) to the people which they bought, with the sole reason of getting in the highest seat.

    Officially, you had the Master race (Aryans) and then all the others in sum ranking, but for the Führer himself that all didn't matter too much.  Adolf personally, in fact, didn't hold one particular race very much above the other, for him, all people were equal stupid animals which should be held in an iron grip by a "great" man.  His world was dual (Nietzsche) Übermenschen und Untermenschen, an Ubermensch who tried to attain his goals being worth millions of the latter's lives.  The rest was just Machiavelli.

  4. I think he felt, if you cook them just right they taste just like chicken. He was really big on cooking people.

  5. Good question!  The WWII Axis powers alliance is a study in contrasts to say the least.  Did Hitler view the Japanese as subhuman?  Probably.  But the simple fact is he needed them in his "well thought out alliance."  Hilter was ostracized by the more legitimate governments throughout the world for his outlandish views and European thuggotry, but the Japanese didnt seem to care. You may ask how they managed to ally themselves, its quite simple.  The Germans had a view of taking Europe "back for the Aryans" the rightful rulers of the destiny of the continent.  The Japanese had a very similiar concept in Asia, Asia for the Asians. The Japanese army's first military engagements were to take Asian colonies back from European controlled hands, the Dutch East Indies, the British colonies in India and China, and of course the Phillipines from the U.S. hands.  So in that respect n**i Germany and Japan had similiar objectives, and similiar ways of going about it.  The fact of the matter is the Japanese looked at the Europeans as subhuman, it was not a feeling that went only one way.  Im certain that if the tides of war had not shifted against the Axis powers it was an issue they would have had to address at some point, but for the time at hand, they were both wrecking havoc in their respective spheres of influence, seemingly staying out of each other's way.  Interesting.  

  6. Yes, he considered them a sub-human, filthy race that needed purifying, despite Japan being part of the Axis (remember, Germany had a non-aggression pact with Russia for a time, and we all know how he felt about the Slavs…).

  7. Well Hitler hated everyone that did not have blonde hair and blue eyes, (including himself seeming he was considered a Jew) so yes he probably hated Asians too. Thank God he is not around any more, he was a crazy man.

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