
How did Hitler figure out how to rule millions of Germans many of whom more educated and smarter than he was?

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How did Hitler figure out how to rule millions of Germans many of whom more educated and smarter than he was?




  1. The problem was that there were a lot of German voters who were less smart than Hitler -- and he used them.  Which, considering the dreadful economics of the depths of the depression, as well as the perceived threat of communism, wasn't all that hard to do.

  2. He formed a cult of personality.

  3. have you actually watched Hitler's speeches? I agree he was not the smartest man in Germany but he had people around that could research and give him persuasive speeches. You forget the world, especially Germany, was in a great depression. The Germans blamed the government for allowing their country to have to pay for WWI In my opinion, Hitler was the biggest jerk of all time

  4. First he appealed to their prejudices and patriotism and then he ruled with fear.

  5. I don't think he figured anything out, I believe he was just a natural. He played alot on German nationalism and german idealism. He also copied Mussolini in establishing a conservative 'third way' which appeased the strong left-wing currents throughout much of their respective societies as well as satisfied the conservative ruling classes.  

  6. He was a really charismatic speaker, so people enjoyed listening to him speak.

    He was one of the first world leaders to use the media to his advantage and put spin on meetings, speeches, and conferences, to make it seem like everybody in attendance was completely amazed at what they were hearing and seeing.

    He built up a failing economy by effectively starting a war, which gave everybody jobs and money.

    He told the German people that they were superior.

    If someone gave you a job, told you that you were superior to others, you'd probably like him too.  Especially when you see/hear in media how everyone else really likes him!

  7. Standard political practice, tell them what they want to hear.

  8. Because the people who were better educated and smarter didn't manage to unite the people against him.

  9. don't underestimate the power of s*x appeal.

    no really, a clever combination of charisma, cult of personality and a truckload of propaganda.  

  10. Firstly, he told them what they wanted to hear. German people were pretty annoyed that they got blamed for the 1WW (especially since it was  only partly, if at all their idea to start a war)

    Also, inflation was making life hard for the german people, they had not much to eat and the economy was bad.(In 1930, after the wall street crash and the world economy crisis, the votes vor the NSDP went from 2.6 up to 18.3%.) Hitler promised (and unlike many other politicans today) kept to these promises. On top of that he created a perfect scapegoat, and he gave back the german people their pride.

    The rest is manipulation and good politics. Biology books were rewritten, companys and expecially pharmaceutical companys were promised and given huge advancements,

    However, and I find this important to say, never did the n***s had a majority of votes. With the 'reichtagsfeuer', corruption an manipulation Hitler managed to become prime minister, but he has never been voted for it.

  11. After the First World War, Germany was in a state of economic disaster. The Treaty of Versailles, in particular, pretty much screwed up the country. Germany was in depression, with unemployment and very high inflation.

    First of all, Hitler was very persuasive and charismatic. He was also quite intelligent. He convinced the country that a government ruled by him would bring back economic stability and jobs. Lots of people believed him, because he was perhaps the most outspoken person for restoring Germany's former glory.

    Actually, Hitler did restore the economy and helped unemployment. He strengthened the nation's military and almost completely made up for the disaster after World War 1. But who did he blame for the economic collapse of before? Mostly Jewish people. He accused Jews of being behind the Treaty of Versailles. A good number of Germans were quick to believe him. They saw a man that brought back Germany's 'former glory' and became victims to his charisma and their own happiness at the new order.

    He kept most of the monstrosities secret, but even so, after a few years people became wary of him, even scared. For example, people that did not do the famous n**i salute could be severely punished. So, after settling in as dictator, Hitler reigned using fear and unease.

    That's all I can remember off the top of my head. I may have missed some things out.

  12. He had a lot of charisma.  He inspired the German people and told them lies in order to gain power.  Like Germans are more superior than any other race.  

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