
How did Hitler rise to become chancellor?

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what were the events which allowed him to become chancellor and how did he maximise these?




  1. the previous answer answered your question..but an interesting fact: all of his fame started after a drunken rant in a pub led to his arrest. Another one: His dream was to become a famous painter, but got rejected from art school.  

  2. Hitler's rise to power was based upon long-term factors - resentment in the German people, the weakness of the Weimar system - which he exploited through propaganda (paid for by his rich, Communist-fearing backers), the terror of his stormtroopers, and the brilliance of his speeches.

           During the 'roaring twenties' Germans ignored this vicious little man with his programme of hatred.   But when the Great Depression ruined their lives, they voted for him in increasing numbers.   Needing support, and thinking he could control Hitler, President Hindenburg made the mistake in January 1933 of giving Hitler the post of Chancellor.  

    He also made false promises to his people and since he is believed to be a very powerful speaker the people of germany easily believed him and voted for him.

  3. Hitlers rise to power was based on many factors. The german weimar government at the time was very weak and hitler exploited this weakness with propaganda and brilliant speeches. He also used his brownshirts to intimidate opponents and rally support. In 1923 he was inprisoned for treason  for the beerhall putsch  when the n**i party attempted to seize power and it was in prison he wrote mein kampf and decided the only way for the n***s to gain power was through elections. During the 1920`s when the wall street crash  hit germany leaving 6 million unemployed the weimar party was plunged into political crisis and despite 3 chancellors in 2 years the problems could not be solved and hitler was chosen as a last hope.He appealed to many to the ordinary people with his work, freedom and bread ethos.In 1932  hindenburg was appointed president in the elections and  made hitler chancellor believing he could control him. He was wrong. Hitler did not need to seize power he was given it.

  4. he was the leader of a minority party. he was chosen as Chancellor because all the other parties were in total conflict. they did not want another election (losing a seat means no money) and wanted someone who would "ride out" to the end of the term

    By the time they realised what was happening they were in Dachau and Hitler was the Fuehrer

  5. The same way Amerika got George Bush... his followers put him in... except they were n**i's and Not Neo-Cons... same thing, actually.

  6. There were many reasons Hitler became Chancellor and how he remained there...

    1. The economy caused by harsh repercussions by France and Britain for WWI (inflation was so bad, that a basket full of paper currency was laid down, but the thieves stole the basket). This was a prime factor, as Hitler was campaigning as a populist.

    2. The spread of Communism and Socialism. New political ideology in an old fashioned society that favored a more top/down leadership from government (still true today in Germany). Hitler campaigned as a socialist to entice the youth, but had right wing tendencies that pleased the elders.

    3. Hitler also heavily used propaganda like no other politician before. This helped sway more support (especially considering he wasn't even German, but a Austrian transplant). The manipulation of the media curried favor not only within Germany, abroad with the axis powers (Italy and Japan).

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