
How did Hopkins cheat?

by  |  earlier

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Missed the fight, lot of talking going on. I'm interested.




  1. He kept holding Joe although not cheating

    However, he pretended that Joe hit him 'below the belt' when from replays he clearly didn;t get anything too sensitive - people complained that he was buying time as he was allowed up to 5mins recovery

  2. hopkins is a bum and a disgrace to boxing he milked the (so called) low blow for three minutes and then faked another one in the corner he used the head and hit calzaghe in a clinch when joes back was to him if that aint cheeting i dont know what is im glad joe won maybe b-hop will retire like the old muppet he is

  3. Hopkins didn't win, he was second rate throughout the fight bar round 1. deliberatly wasting time faked 2 low blows and general dirty fighting tacticts

  4. Hopkins kept holding him. Either he was expressing homosexual tendancies and trying to touch Joe up or he's just a **** fighter who couldn't fight his way out of a wet paper bag.

  5. he didnt cheat calzaghe punched him in the nuts with a rabbit punch.  he always does rabbit punches cos hes scared of hurting his hands

    hopkins 43 yrs old and he STILL knocked calzaghe down LMAO

  6. Hopkins was getting knackered so he pretended he had been hit low twice so he could have a rest and 1 lasted about 5 minutes. The best man won and to do it in the USAs backyard is something special for an English Guy..

  7. I think Hopkins confused the fight for a head butting match! Holding on and trapping Calzaghe's arm...if you're a great boxer, you shouldn't need to rely on dirty tactics, but Hopkins did.

    He was chased around the ring constantly by Calzaghe. As soon as Calzaghe jabbed etc Hopkins would hold and never really threw many punches. He did have a good right hand and he did catch Calzaghe early on but none of his punches seemed to affect the Welshman.

    Calzaghe deserved to win, anyone who resorts to dirty tactics should be marked down.

    And again what a shoddy performance by Cortez!!! Numerous warnings to Hopkins for using the head, landing punches when they've been asked to break, hitting Calzaghe in the head from behind, yet not one point deducted.

    I think Calzaghe did well to keep his cool. Well done Joe!!!

  8. Hopkins is a racist and a sore loser, and what's worse a dirty fighter who is so stupid he can't even CHEAT to a victory. The Welsh don't cheat like the Americans, we have pride.

  9. He had poision spikes on his fists

  10. hopkins fought a good fight. he probably should've won

  11. he didnt cheat calzaghe punched him in the nuts with a rabbit punch. he always does rabbit punches cos hes scared of hurting his hands

    hopkins 43 yrs old and he STILL knocked calzaghe down LMAO.............

    ............ In response to the above comment, how can you rabbit punch someone in the nuts?? Rabbit punching means punching to the back of the head, now I know Hopkins is a d**k-head but saying he got Rabbit punched in the nuts just shows that you don't know what you are talking about!!

  12. hopkins is a stupid ****** **** that **** if joe come out with what hopkins said he would of got arrested so its alright for a ****** to say its black vs white wtf come on

  13. Hopkins is the MAN..He won the fight!
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