OK, our company has been waiting on a check from one of our customers for several weeks. They swore they sent it but they are routinely late pays. I just received it in the mail today (7/21), and their Pitney Bowes stamp is dated 7/2. I know they could have just stamped it with the Pitney on 7/2, and waited to put it in the mail until just recently, to buy time on paying the bill, but there is no stamp from the post office OVER the Pitney stamp. Any other piece of mail will have a gray/black wave or gray/black date on top of the postage stamp, that shows the date it was processed at the post office. So even if they put a stamp on it on 7/2, I would actually be able to tell what day it was taken to the post office by looking at the stamp that the post office puts on top of the postage. This envelope does not have that. Also, the bar code on the back and front of the envelope (from the post office) has been crossed out with a black crayon.