
How did Julius Caesar die, and what happened to Rome afterwards?

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I know that he was the most famous of the Roman leaders, but why did he die and what happened afterwards? Did his death make the roman empire better?




  1. He was murdered by Roman senators who were afraid if Caesar was trying to become a king

    After his death, Rome went into 2nd civil war. And Octavian, who claimed to be the successor of Julius Caesar, became the last victor and changed Rome into an empire


    To you , BDA

    3/4 world population live in Rome? you kidding?

    Rome population = 50 million

    Han(Chinese Empire in Roman era) = 58 million


    Rome rulled only 1/4 of world population

    this is a very popular, and common knowledge

    plz do think(or rearch) before you post something

    Hm, it's hard to say if his death made the Roman Empire better or not. They wanted to stop Roman change from republic into an empire, but Caesar's death did not change it.

  2. he was murdered by brutus

  3. He was murdered by many conspirators in his court, they thought he would become a tyrant and wanted to stop before he did anything. though im not quite sure what happened afterwards

  4. It is always a good idea, when thinking of Classical or Ancient Rome, to think Mafia.  Now this may seem silly to scholars, but it works.

    Gaius Julius Caesar was stabbed to death by rivals as he was about to enter [a theatre or temple] which was being used temporarily by the Senate of Rome because the Senate building was being refurbished or repaired.


    Boys in Bed-sheets

    This next video is the very best - it is set in the city of Rome of today - all the people you will see are real living Romans.


  5. Caesar was stabbed to death in the Ides of March (March 15th) 44bc by a group of conspirators, among whom was Marcus Junius Brutus , a close friends of Julius'. After Julius' death, the Roman Republic was cast into a series of civil wars, that, once ended saw Julius' adopted nephew Gaius Octavius Thurinus become the first Roman Emperor Augustus. The Empire grew to the point that at its height 3/4 of the Worlds Population where Roman.  

    PS to Good Daddy

    At it's height the Roman Empire,  it consisted of 2.2 million square miles. If we assume that the population of the World was roughly 300 million in 176AD, and go with the  estimate of a total of 120 Million people as Roman Citizens, and toss in the number of slaves in the Roman Empire(by some estimates Roman Slaves outnumbered Roman Citizens as much as 3-1, It was not uncommon for the very wealthy to own several hundred)Even on the lowest estimates of 60 Million People plus the 180 million uncounted slaves, the Roman Empire easily outnumbers any Chinese Empire.

    Also, prior to his death the state of Rome was known as the Republic of Rome and did not become an Empire until after Octavian defeated Antony at Actium in or about 44BC two years after the Assassination.

    My research? 15 or so years of research and study of the Roman Empire. You are welcome to come to PA and review my library for these figures if you'd like.

  6. He was killed, literally stabbed in the back by members of the Roman senate. I do not know about much after that, I suppose a new emperor was elected by the senate.

  7. His dictatorial made him enemies in Rome. On 15th March 44 BC - the Ides of March - Caesar was stabbed to death in the Senate House by rival senators, including Cassius and Brutus. After his death, his work lived on in his great-nephew and adopted son, Octavian, who became emperor. So yeah, his death did help improve the Roman Empire, and his legacy sort of continued.

    Hope this helped!

    -Tim :]

  8. He was bumped off.

  9. Caesar was assassinated in the Roman Senate, stabbed by senators who thought him a dictator and who wanted a return to the Republic.

    Caesar's will indicated his adopted son Octavian was to inherit everything and he, together with Marc Anthony and Lepidus, formed a triumvirate. They divided the empire into three parts. Marc Anthony got East Asia including Egypt and fell in with Cleopatra, once a lover of Caesar's, mother of Caesar's child, and queen of Egypt. With Cleopatra, Marc Anthony tried to take all of Rome and was thoroughly beaten back at the naval battle of Actium by the other two, Lepidus and Octavian. Marc Anthony was chased back to Egypt where he eventually took his life rather than be captured, followed shortly after  by Cleopatra.

    Octavius emerged victorious and was made Emperor of the Roman Empire, changing his name to Augustus. As Emperor, Augustus had a long reign until well into old age when he died of a stomach ailment (which some historians claim to have been poison administered by his unpopular wife Livia). Augustus was the first of a line of Julio-Claudian emperors from the same family line, some better emperors than their predecessors, others much much worse. Augustus ruled Rome fairly and well, he was respected by the populace and by politicians. Certainly Rome and the Empire prospered and grew under Augustus' rule.

  10. All quickly unsheathed their daggers and rushed at him. First Servilius Casca struck him with the point of the blade on the left shoulder a little above the collar-bone. He had been aiming for that, but in the excitement he missed. Caesar rose to defend himself, and in the uproar Casca shouted out in Greek to his brother. The latter heard him and drove his sword into the ribs. After a moment, Cassius made a slash at his face, and Decimus Brutus pierced him in the side. While Cassius Longinus was trying to give him another blow he missed and struck Marcus Brutus on the hand. Minucius also hit out at Caesar and hit Rubrius in the thigh. They were just like men doing battle against him.  

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