
How did Lady Bird Johnson got her royal title "Lady"?

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How did Lady Bird Johnson got her royal title "Lady"?




  1. It's not a title.  "Lady Bird" was a nickname.

  2. that was a nickname for the old bird, bury her in the wildflowers

  3. It's not a royal title.  "Lady Bird" is a nickname she had since a child.  A "Lady bird" is another name for a ladybug.

    Her real name, by the way, is Claudia.

  4. the queen

  5. She didn't. Her real name was Claudia. "Lady Bird" was her nickname from childhood that was given to her by a nurse maid.

  6. She was as far from being a lady as anyone could be,I think they called her lady bug behind her back.

  7. She was also the First Lady in the white house when her husband was President. That might be how.

  8. I think her parents probably named her Lady Bird soon after she was born. Or was it a nick name?

  9. Lady Bird is her nickname. A nurse said when she was little that she was "pretty as a Lady Bird" and it stuck. Her real name is Claudia Alta Taylor Johnson.

  10. As a US citizen she can't have a British title of nobility, if she did it would be honorary and she couldn't use it.

  11. the name lady is not a title it is her real name bird is her middle name and of course johnson was her last name.

  12. It's not a title, it's a nickname, supposedly given her by her nurse when she was a child (she had a nurse because her mother died when she was only 5), who said she was "Purty as a lady bird" :-)  Her birth name was Claudia Alta Taylor, and she was a (distant!!!!!) cousin of mine.

  13. Lady Bird Johnson's name is a nickname, not a title.  Her real name was Claudia.  When she was a little girl, someone commented that she was "as pretty as a lady bird", and the nickname stuck.

  14. Isn't it interesting that Lady Bird Johnson and Lyndon Baines Johnson both initial out to L.B.J

  15. When she was a very young girl, one of the house maids said she was as pretty as a "lady bird", and the name stuck. I heard this on the nightly news the other night

  16. Nickname.  Not title.

  17. It is not a title. Our first lady was given the nickname Lady Bird by her nurse who said that Claudia was as pretty as a lady bird.The name stuck.

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