
How did Lebrick James lose in HORSE to an amateur?

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Also how did he miss a 6 foot baseline jumper?

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  1. Dipshit its a stupid game of horse anyone can win it doesnt prove your talent. Try a one on one game. It  was said that Tim Duncan a 16 year old kid in the US Virgin Islands beat NBA All-star Alonzo Mourning on a one on one when he was vacationing there. Thats impressive and Alonzo should have been embarrassed than again it was Tim Duncan who did it but still he was 16.

    With this being said I wouls like to see this amateur beat him in a one on one he wouldnt even get the ball if it was winners outs.

  2. It's logical if i'm the amateur

  3. The same way everyone loses in HORSE, by not being able to match the shots of his opponent.  Perhaps you are not familiar with the rules of HORSE.  They can easily be found on the interweb.  Goodnight now.

  4. What the Realist said.

  5. He was doing his best Warrior imitation!!

  6. i bet if lebron had tried he probably would've won 1 game. that warehouse worker had all his moves planned out

  7. Why does Shaq have a very very poor free throw percentage?  It's called a lack of practice.  In fact the WNBA at times has had a higher free trow percentage than the NBA in general.  Most players now just go for either a lay up or a dunk.  The NBA teams now have people hired on teams to do three pointers since most players can't shoot from that far.  The guy that won probably played HORSE since he was 8.

  8. It's called having class. Letting a guy who probably has little in his life have something he can tell his grandkids about 20 years from now.

    Of course you wouldn't know about this -- your favorite player's a rapist.

  9. By being a nice man! He let the fan win!

  10. haha i just watched that video and wanted to make a comment somewhere - and here is somewhere.

    i understand that some of those shots were not easy and that lj's opponent practiced them for quite some time, but some of those were too easy to miss.  i think he partly tried to go easy, but then toward then end im sure he tried to pick it up somewhat.  

    i dont think this will have much impact on his season.

    go pistons.

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