
How did Lenin gain control of Russia between 1918-1921? Your answer must address the problems of World War I,?

by  |  earlier

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2) What were the causes of the Great Depression (from Be sure to include an explanation of misdistribution of purchasing power, lack of diversification, credit structure, the breakdown of international trade, and the Wall Street Crash of 1929 in your answer.




  1. You need to look up the treaty of Brest-Litovsk

    Then War Communism, Russian Civil War, Czech Legion, Interventionists, White armies and Tsarityn.

    As for the second question - sorry I don't know, try google.

  2. Hmmmmm i know this but im not telling you.


  3. YOUR answer(s) - not OURS.

    I have no problem HELPING people with their work - but I will not DO it for them (although the shirt idea is tempting.)

    In order for those of us who feel this way - asking nicely goes VERY far - do NOT lead us on by adding a second question - TRY to be a bit humble, after all it's your work and you didn't do it AND BE POLITE.

    Now - try to do your best ( I guess you have to use this thing) come back with what you have and, if we can, we will be happy to help you fill in the cracks.

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