
How did Lesnar beat herring last night?

by  |  earlier

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I didn't get to watch UFC 87 i want to know how lesnar did




  1. He got a huge punch in the 1st then sat on Herring with big knees every now and then.

  2. he just kept him on the ground and kneed the living c**p out of him

  3. he sat his 265lb weight cutted *** on him the whole time it was boring as  ****

  4. Strength.  

    You could watch it at:

  5. He kept him on the ground and beat him up.

  6. he got a lucky punch that herring should have avoided

    shame on u herring.

  7. Not only is Lesnar smash his face in, he also took a couple ribs out with knee shots.  The beating was brutal.  Herring is hating life today.

  8. Yeah i agree it was funny seeing hearring loose. He said before , " Brock is nothing I havent faced before" When is the last time you faced an Albino Incredible Hulk Herring?! I think Herring underestimated Lesnar and got smashed for it. Lesnar is the future of UFC heavyweights. His determination and confidence is Krazy!  

  9. Almost pure wrestling.  He kept getting side mount and Herring really couldn't figure out a way to solve it; much like in the old days when Royce Gracie would always get guard and none of the competitors could get around it.  I called it way wrong - I thought they'd stand up and have a slug fest.

  10. He put Herring to shame. Kept him on the ground most of the time with no opportunity to fight back. It was kind of funny to watch after all of the c**p Herring was talking.

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