
How did MCCAIN get more votes than RON PAUL??? or were the machines rigged ??? AGAIN?

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or is this a dumb question????????

since bush has never actually won an election




  1. It's a dumb question. It's not like he was ever even _close_ to winning any primary.

    And Bush won two elections; it's why he's a two-term president.

  2. Ron Paul is probably one of the most intelligent candidates to ever run for President, no lie. as of right now, he is just too smart for the american people. but i love his ideas. genius.  

  3. U got that right Dean, it is a dumb question.

    How come no lib ever thinks an election is rigged if there horse wins, but as soon as an opponent wins then there is nothing valid about it at all. Dean, my friend, did you know that more than just dems were affected by the machine trouble in Ohio. In order for ANY of the accusations raised in"Uncounted" to be valid every single vote would have had to been for the dem candidate. And more importantly because all the libs are still crying about Florida, (what exactly does move on mean?) did you know that all of the recounts went in "W"s favor? Or is that just another FACT that the dems refuse to acknowledge because it doesn't support their close minded view.

    ME '08  

  4. nobody cares about ron paul his ideas are too extreme and plus hes a RACIST, search it up on google he is racist...... mccain is also racist

  5. Lack of advertising/funding/hype on Ron Paul's part. Lack of common sense/basic human intelligence on the American people's part.

    I'd say that the average voter knows very little about Ron Paul's stance's on major issues. I've run into quite a few people who didn't even know who he was or that he was running for president.

  6. McCain got more votes because he had better advertising. I highly doubt the machines were rigged, but Ron Paul proved that the Internet hasn't taken over entirely.... yet.

  7. I believe RP's message was too much, too soon.  His ideas may have seemed kind of radical considering how quicky they appeared.

    But that's only for the people who did know about him. Due to the media blackout of him, many people had never heard of him or knew next to nothing about him.

  8. Because Repugs like war.  Ron Paul, if I'm not mistaken, is against the Iraq war.

  9. Yes, I sincerely believe the electronic voting machines were, and are, rigged.  In New Hampshire, Dr. Paul received as much as 24% of the votes in precincts where they used paper ballots, over twice as many as in precincts with electronic machines.

    In the County where I reside, we campaigned only in our tiny town.  Twenty-six family members or close friend worked with us and pledged to vote for Ron Paul.  Someone, we don't know who, was also campaigning on the other side of the County, because the country side was covered with PAUL signs.  So I assumed those same people would vote for him.  Our electronic machines however, say that only twenty-eight people voted for him in our whole county.  If that's so, then all of them were in my living room.

    Look to the Rockefeller wing of the Party for the shenanigans.  .

  10. Nothing was ever rigged and, if Gore had won, you wouldn't be saying this, would you? Mr. Bush win fair and square!

  11. Ron Paul is a convicted felon.  He cannot run for president.

  12. " since Bush has never won an election"

    He won in 2004 by a bigger margain than clinton ever enjoyed

  13. LOL! I give you Ron Paul supporters a lot of credit, not giving up on your man. But he never will win a primary or be a Party representative because he does not have the clout or the supporters.  

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