
How did Neutrogena's "Complete Acne Therapy System" work for you?

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School is starting for me on September 3rd, and I really want to go into school this year with healthy, glowing, and acne free skin. My problem is dryness, redness and irritation, pimples, and those annoying pimples under the skin. My mom wanted me to try something a bit less expensive before I try Proactic, so I thought my best bet was to try Neutrogena's new "Complete Acne Therapy System" for fast results. If you've tried this product, do you think it will clear up my acne, and how did it work for you? And if it worked well for you then how long did it take to do so? Any help is needed.

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  1. Pro active didnt work for me , but clearasil is omigawd so great xD

  2. i used some earlier in the year and its average really

  3. Well What About

    It Helps Spots And Blackheads The Spots Clear In 1 Night Or 2 But There Is All Sorts Of Ways Wash Your Face Morning A Night

    And You Face Will Feel Very Soft!I Hope This Will Help For You!

    1.) First of all, I would suggest that you take a look at your current diet and examine what could be contributing to your acne, this is often things like sugary drinks, sugary foods, oily foods and so on.

    It can be tough to do but I would suggest that you consider removing a lot of the foods that are having a negative effect on your acne from your diet and replacing them with healthier alternatives.

    2.) The next tip I'd like to share is a very simple one, carry some small face wipes with you throughout your day.

    Your face may get dirty or oily during the day and having a clean face wipe to give it a quick clean can help to remove some of the dirt or oil.

    3.) The last tip I'm going to tell you is to simply become aware of the various causes and treatments for acne, the more you know, the easier it will be for you to fight it.

    There are many acne treatment products that you can use to help get rid of spots and some of them are actually quite cheap, so don't think that you need to spend a small fortune to use them.

    Good Luck!:D x

  4. what you should do is use neutrogena microbeads cleanser, the wave, and before you go to bed put a hot damp towel on your face. Hope this helped!

  5. I don't use that. I use the Clearsil Ultra and it works really well. I started using it on Sunday (I start school on Wednesday) and it said it takes 3 days to work, and my acne and blemishes are allready pretty much gone. It works really well. And another brand I would try is Noxima. That works really well tooo.  

  6. go to, you literally take a quiz about your personal skin type and it gives you certain products great for you!! it's the best

    bestanswer forsure!!

  7. I have had acne problems to, the only thing that worked for me was changing my diet, lots of water, fruits, veggies, & protein. I tried lots of products.

  8. I use Clearasil Stayclear Pore Cleansing Pads 2 and 3 times a day. And then apply Fragrance-free advance healing lotion. It actually started clearing my face in 2 days and now I stay clear!

  9. Well I use clearasil and its good. But to be honest, I haven't used it in 3 months and my face looks great. The greatest medicine there is, is to have a healthy diet. Avoid butter, fry food, chocolate (hard to avoid though), candies, soda, mayo, etc.. I still use it though just to avoid a break out, since we sweat, those are also some of the causes.

    Here's a tip: Wash your face with cold water, it helps keep it young and avoid washing your face with body soap, it also causes break outs.♥

  10. hey kels well i use neutrogena stuff and i love it so i am sure this product will work fine my friend used it and she loved it anyways it is recommend most by dermatologists i mean they don't have a degree for nothin ;)

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