
How did Noah travel to different continents to retrieve all of the animals?

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Wouldn't he have had to have another large boat to go get them? The bible never mentions him building two boats.




  1. Noah's ark is a story that is thought to have been based on an actual flood which occurred in modern day Iraq where a merchant gathered all of his goods on a boat during a flood while his town was flooded.  Noah's ark is an exaggeration of this story which is used to illustrate how god blesses those who are good.  When it comes to the bible often times the details aren't really important, its more about the message and how you interpret and apply it.  

  2. The birds flew to him and the fish swam.  The ones that had good legs walked.  Don't know how the corals got there or the sponges.  Seems like a weak link in the story.

  3. If you believe the Bible as fact:

      Anything is possible with God. So he could have traveled quickly and only needed 1 boat.

    It is also possible that the continents had not shifted yet and were still the one single landmass called Pangea.

    Also he may not have gotten all animals, some people think that is where our stories of dragons, unicorns, pegasus  etc. come from.

  4. Genesis 6:19-20 (New International Version)

    New International Version (NIV)

    Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984 by International Bible Society

      19 You are to bring into the ark two of all living creatures, male and female, to keep them alive with you. 20 Two of every kind of bird, of every kind of animal and of every kind of creature that moves along the ground will come to you to be kept alive.  

  5. didn't the animals come to him?

  6. I think he only got the animals that he knew about, those in his known world, which would pretty much be the middle east.

    Do you think that one man could collect two each of over 1.5 million animal species, especially in a time when man didn't have the ability to travel all over the world?  No one could do that today.  He also couldn't fit 3 million animals into the ark.  I think that some of the Bible stories are simplified into what people of the time understood.

    "For the first time the names of all animal species known to science have been posted on one web site (over 1.5 million listings!).

    This tells you about it:

    Here is the query page: "

  7. Noah performed the task by building a fleet of nuclear powered ships each the size of an aircraft carrier.  He sailed these at top speed to each continent and each island.  When he reached these places, he drove his all wheel drive vehicle to each location to pick up the animals and the plants they eat.  

    Following the blood, he sent the ships back to all of the locations where he dropped off the animals and plants.  He also dropped off enough topsoil to enable the plants to grow again before the animals starved.  

    Since it had to rain 750 feet per day for 40 days to cover Mt. Everest, he had to build very sturdy ships that could withstand that level of storm.  Also, the temperature of the ocean was at the boiling point so that it could rain that much.  Therefore, the ships had to have amazing insulation and state of the art air conditioning systems.  Also, at that temperature, the oceans were sterilized, so he had to pick up every form of marine life as well and put them in temperature controlled tanks so that the ocean could be repopulated with life.

    That certainly is reasonable to me.  

  8. I think it is a legend , not real story :)

  9. thats a good question. ive heard about this story for years as i have grown up in church, but dont know the actual answer to it.

    i think god may have helped him out by having the animals be drawn to where Noah is.

  10. Its only a would be like asking how Harry Potter got so good at flying without any real experience

  11. He didn't.  

    The Bible often uses universal language to describe local, but significant events (e.g., the locust plague covering the face of the earth, etc.)

    The narrative says the animals came to him, not that he gathered the animals, btw (Gen. 6:20).

  12. they came to him :)

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