
How did Obama do on The Factor with Bill O'Reilly? ?

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Unfortunately I missed it.




  1. Flip-flopped big time on the surge.  he tried to spin it as the Iraqis haven't done enough.  I guess he missed the fact that the Iraqis now are running Anbar.

    It will run Monday-Wednesday next week.  I want to see him squirm on the Rezko, Ayers, Wright, Pfleger stuff.

  2. Who's Bill O'Reilly?  Is he the lieutenant Governor of Alaska?

  3. I didnt hear it, but I heard one question on the radio. About the Surge, and he said we have to admit surge work beyond all of our beliefs.

    THen he said Iraq has not met there political obligations, (they only met 14 of the 17.) <-- my words not his.

  4. they played an 8 minute segment, they will play 3 other segments net week.

    Obama did just fine.

    I wonder if anybody that watches fox noticed a little conflicting info...  Bill said that Obama would never send US troops into Pakistan and neither would president Bush.  How do Fox viewers reconcile that statement with the fact that the US conducted raids with US troops in Pakistan this very week?


    There is the link for it on youtube. 10 points for me :)

  6. I missed it, too. Sponge Bob was on, Mermaid Man & Barnacle Boy, & I let the kids win out on TV choice.

    Not a hard one to make.

  7. FYI the rest of the interview will air on The O'Reilly Factor on M-T-W evenings.

    Bill asked tough questions about terrorism. Obama made me absolutely certain that he is NOT the leader I need to keep me and my family safe. He's too interested in diplomacy and is not willing(if needed) to take military action. It makes him very nervous to even think about having to go to war.I DON'T WANT WAR but if Iran, South Korea continue to develop nuclear weapons I want McCain to deal with it.

  8. He did very well and the one in this room that said he flip flopped on the surge I saw it no he didn't.  He said the surge did reduce violence but the Iraqis still have not taken responsibility for their own government.  

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