
How did Obama win NC by so much and lose Indiana by so little right after the Wright controversy.?

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Wright had just spoken out again before those two primaries, yet Obama did very well, how did that happen?




  1. When Obama clearly disavowed wright's ccomments, the air was let of the story. The public's short attention span meant some had already forgotten it.

  2. Please do not take this as a generalized gender or racist remark. Women will vote for handsome men before they will vote for the female competition.  Women are not perceived as strong enough to handle the high pressure of a male dominated job by either s*x. And sometimes a german will vote for a german and an african will vote for an african and an englishman will vote for an englishman.  There are many answers for this questions, these are but a few. Each of them is statistically proven statement. Some would also say they believe in Mr Obama's message, They hope he is true and right.

  3. Surely if you want to take associates behavior and attitudes into account then Hilary should not have stood at all being married to a person who has admitted sexual impropriety whilst in office!!!

  4. when people make their mind they can't be confused by the facts.

    Clinton showed us's OK to lie to a grand jury regardless of the reason.

    when one achieves a level where they are worshiped by the adoring masses they can do wrong.

  5. The "Reverend Wright Controversy" is a very weak controversy. In a time where gas was $3.50 a gallon (Now it's more!) and more than 4,000 service men have died abroad, it's hard to see how Jeremiah Wright's bad behavior would be a major factor.

  6. Because the black people know that he will do a lot for them and give them everything they demand, whether they are really entitled to it or not, and whether or not it is the right thing to do.  White Obama supporters just do not want to see the truth about him, I hope they will be happy when he is taking everything away from them.

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