
How did Oregon get its nickname, "The Beaver State"?

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How did Oregon get its nickename, "The Beaver State"?




  1. Because they like beavers

    Beavers are so cool they have big teeth

    So they wast more money buying bling for there teeth

    wow out random

  2. Insert random v****a joke here.

  3. Because a lot of beavers live there.

  4. It used to be called the "No Beaver State"  but then they offered women stipends and the chance to marry if they moved there.  Since then it is know as the "Beaver State".

  5. Oregon is known as the beaver state because of the abundance of that animal here. All of Oregon's history involving White settlers started with the beaver. Throughout the early 1800's people known as Mountain Men came to Oregon to get beaver furs. While Oregon has many North American beaver now they were almost extinct due to the massive market for the fur. So eventually they were banned from being hunted and now flock the murky creeks and streams throughout the Beaver State! That's how we got the name!

  6. Through the years, Oregon has various been called the Sunshine State (yes, another one!), Webfoot State (derived from the nickname given to residents, because of the high level of rainfall) and Hard-case State (named after the evil characters who flocked to the state in its early days, and from their austere descendants). But Oregon's state animal is the beaver (since 1969), and it is a widely recognised symbol for the state - which has led the State University athletic team to be known as "the Beavers", and state to being called the Beaver State. Oregon licence plates call the state Pacific Wonderland

  7. Oregon is called "The Beaver State" because of the association of beavers with the early history of the state and because of the admirable qualities of intelligence, industry, and ingenuity that are associated with the beaver.

  8. welll its because it has alot of streams & rivers through it. the beavers are there to dam it up. i mean a lot of them there was.

  9. Per capita, they have the most hot chicks of any of the fifty states.

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