
How did People View Obama's Mom Getting Pregnant at 17 to a Married Man? What did they Say about his Mom?

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Some YA Lib wanted to talk about Bristol. LMAO




  1. Well, it happened 45 years ago, and I'm sure many things were said at that time as they are said today.  But I'm not sure how it is relevant to anything 45 years later.

    If you are trying to connect this to Palin...Palin is the one who doesn't want s*x education taught in public schools and wants to make abortion illegal, even to women who have been raped or from incest.

    And she is the VP nominee...which makes it relevant.

  2. Nothing,He told everyone that she was radical who liked Black men,

  3. i thought families were off limits with you'all

  4. Back in the day they were not as informed as teens COULD be today. It was what everybody did back then. Does that make it right? No. But that's how things were handled BEFORE 2000. Bristol should have been informed about protecting herself, all that information is readily available to teens, however, thanks to the Republicans, we get stuck with "Abstinence Only" education. That's like setting us back 50 years. Smart move.  

  5. Point a finger and three point back, jus don't get do ya?

  6. Why do you think he wants people to back off on her?

  7. What? HOW DARE YOU BRING THIS UP!!!!! HOW DARE YOU QUESTION THE MESSIAH!!!!! Obama already stated that spouses and children are "Off Limits" as political fodder.

    This only applies to Obama of course. You are obviously racist to attack Obama like that.

  8. His mom, nor the circumstances of his birth, have nothing to do with the person he is.  We should look at his accomplishments, his associations, his experience, and his ideology.

    We would then see he has accomplished nothing, his associates are suspect and his experience does not qualify him for the job, and his ideology is socialistic.

    Now, we can decide on his merit.  Lets discuss the issues, shall we?


  9. They said nothing.  Any comment at all would be "playing the race card."

  10. Both candidates are wanting families to be off-limits... we as Americans are not electing the family.  Whatever has happened and whatever decisions were made, are past.  

    How about talking about the issues of the candidates and how they might affect the future of our country?

  11. Let libs hang themselves Obama will soon be forgotten or remembered for women bashing! McCain08'

  12. Obama admitted that himself.  If you would ever bother to listen to anything he has ever said, you wouldn't have asked this question.

    Your avatar explains alot.

  13. Was she an advocate of abstinence-only s*x education for teens? That's why Sarah Palin is being criticized.  

  14. Was his mom running for political office?  

    Swampy...  You wouldn't even know about his childhood if he hadn't written a book(s) about it.

    I swear sometimes I get the tin-foil hats mixed-up with the tin-foil bible wraps.

  15. I heard his mom was 18 and she was not using her son as a pawn to get elected to office.

    Palin made that girl stand up on the stages and hold that baby for hours just to cover up the pregnancy.

    Now that is deceitful and dishonest and she is not a good mother.

  16. This info will not help him therefore the liberal media will ignore this completely.

  17. i get the point and so do the libtards, but really not relevant.

  18. Do you really believe the media is going to have anything negative to

    say about the most liberal senator who voted to allow babies who

    survived blotched abortion to die, can't produce a true birth certificate,

    campaigned for Raili Odinga a radical muslim in Kenya in 2006, you

    don't know how the system works.

    You won't hear nothing about this in the media either.

    No the media is more intent to try and put negative imformation out

    about McCain's choice for Vice President.

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