
How did Queen Elizabeth 1 impact the Church during her reign?

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How did Queen Elizabeth 1 impact the Church during her reign?




  1. One of Queen Elizabeth I's first moves was to support the establishment of an English Protestant church, of which she became the Supreme Governor. One of the most important concerns during Elizabeth’s early reign was religion. Communion with the Roman Catholic Church had been reinstated under Mary using the instrument of Royal Supremacy, but was again severed by Elizabeth. This Elizabethan Religious Settlement held firm throughout her reign and later evolved into today's Church of England.

    Queen Elizabeth I inherited the throne of a country torn between Protestantism and Catholicism, and as a wise leader, she established Protestantism as the country's religion, and introduced a few very important Acts: The Acts of Supremacy and Uniformity (1559), the introduction of the Prayer Book of 1559, and the Thirty-Nine Articles (1563) were all Protestant in doctrine, but preserved many traditionally Catholic ceremonies.

    The Act of Uniformity 1559, which forced people to attend Sunday service in an Anglican church, at which a new version of the Book of Common Prayer was to be used, passed by only three votes. The Bill of Uniformity was more cautious than the initial Reformation Bill. It revoked the harsh laws proposed against Roman Catholics, it removed the abuse of the pope from the litany and kept the wording that allowed for both a subjective and objective belief in the Real Presence in the Communion.

  2. She brought England back from Protestant. Her sister Mary when she was queen, tried to bring England back to Catholic. When she died and Elizabeth came to rule, she went back to the Church of England. She was the best queen england had. England as a whole is going down today. Nothing is produced in England anymore. England was in its prime back when Henry VIIII ruled. Its a shame. I loved England!!!

  3. theres a few movies out there that sums it all up in a pretty entertaining way. :)

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