
How did Sarah Palin's speech hit you?

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Do you have a positive or negative reaction to it? And has it convinced you to change your vote one way or another?

Most importantly, do you think it'll make a big impact with swing voters?

I'm curious because I am an Obama supporter, but I don't think she's doing too bad of a job. That being said, I have many base disagreements with her speech. But I think its effective.




  1. Very Generic Republican Speech.. Here Palin's Speech.. Obama Bad-McCain Good.  Issues?? What issues?

  2. If i hear her mention being a soccer mom one more time. The speech was empty, nothing but cheap shots and she used her family as a crutch. I was not impressed and this is coming from someone who at first took interest in her initially. No content in her speech, and her experience governing alaska does not have any affect on me decision at all seeing that the population of the entire state is the size of austin texas. Bad choice...

  3. She was charming, spoke eloquently, and stated nothing but the facts. Her speech was absolutely outstanding.

    McCain and Palin just got any undecided votes-- and more than likely quite a few of the oppositions votes.

    Whether you call her a barracuda, a pit bull or just a "hockey mom" she has won the hearts of many voters around the country.

    Keep up the good work! And God Bless America!

  4. It was wonderful! I thought as it started off that she might bomb, but she came roaring back. I expect to see a major bounce in the newest polls showing McCain/Palin surging ahead of the lackluster Dem ticket.

    A son going to Iraq on 9/11, a husband who's a member of the United Steelworkers? Tell the Dems they can forget about Ohio and Michigan being in their column. Great job, Sarah. You remind me of the tough sheriff from the movie, "Fargo".

  5. Ask her how they'll going to be different than George Bush, and she'll say nothing. Oh God, don't commit the same mistake again America. Please!

  6. I thought the claims of being a 'smalltown girl' were washed away with all the political rhetoric and jabs at Obama.

    Overall....she did about what I expected.   Not bad, but people will forget it by morning.

    Now you have 60 days for Obama to explain to everyone what an extremist and radical this woman really is.

  7. I think so as well, but she has a heck of sharp tongue!  I'd hate to be on the wrong side of that.

    That can be very useful, or very bad for a leader of a country.

    Yet, she has been effective in Alaska and has a high approval rating there.

    I hope we move to issues soon, get past the political bigotry of those people who hate half the country.

    Look forward to your posts.

    A Democrat for McCain/Palin.

    Keep speaking up.

  8. I was already excited by her because I new she was a good conservative, but now I am ecstatic because she is turning out to be a great campaigner!

  9. I was truly proud to be a Republican. She's amazing!

  10. I thought it was great.

    How refreshing to have an unbiased opinion from an Obama supporter.

  11. its DIDN'T hit me, it was just a reminder of how retarded and immature republicans are. ALL she talked about was about how bad Obama is and how great john mccain is.  

  12. I agree with other post, it was really sharp tongued, however, she tried to slam Obama with humor as she almost got lost at the teleprompter.  She's a great reader with good punctuation usage.

    She did what they paid her to do.

  13. It hit me right to sleep..sooo boring

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