
How did WTC 7 collapse?

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I know it had fires on some of the floors, I think 3 of them? I thought that fire doesn't melt steel? I know WTC structural engineer Les Robertson said that the building engineered to withstand fires on multiple levels and multiple impacts from all different levels and locations, including those by 757s? and Frank A. Demartini, the WTC construction manager, said that "the building could probably withstand multiple impacts of jet liners"? If they were built for that, how did a few fires or falling columns from neighboring buildings destroy it and cause it to collapse at nearly free fall speed (floors shattered at an avg. rate of 10/sec)? where did the pools of molten metal underneath tower 7 come from? even if it were hit by a jet, hot spots of over 2000 degrees Fahrenheit were recorded in the debris? that's 500 degrees hotter than jet fuel even burns?

These are just things I've heard and I just want to get some of the facts straight. Please don't get rude with me and call me a conspiracy theorist or anything (people called me that when I asked a question yesterday and they got really defensive) I'm just asking a question about structural damage and physics, not proclaiming that the government put chips in our skin and are living in our brains. Thanks! :)




  1. Watch the video "Loose Change" - first edition.  Search google for video.

  2. If you look at the second picture on this site you can see debris crashing down on WTC7:

    Also, fire can and does melt steel, that's how it's recycled.

    That site may answer some of you other questions.

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