
How did a threesome affect your relationship?

by Guest64179  |  earlier

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I didn't ask for your advice on whether or not my husband and I should have a threesome, thank you very much. I am asking (consider it a survey) on how it affected YOURS.

Anyone else who feels the need to tell me not to do it will be reported. Give me a break, people. Stop reading so much into these questions and being so damned preachy!!!!!!!!!!!




  1. We have had a few mfm threesomes, cuckolds, soft-swinging experiences with no ill-effect and have remained married for nearly 20 years. Communication with a solid relationship is the key.

  2. This happened to my best friend. She and her husband were in a threesome with another woman. Her husband was just wild for this to happen so she finally agreed. Then since she "approved" of that other woman joining them, he just went ahead and had a bunch of affairs since my friend was okay with his cheating. The problem is you always run the risk of one person getting romantically involved or even thinking it is so exciting that they want to do it again and again with other people. Her husband even had threesomes without her and told her. After all, she was supposed to be okay with all of this. My advice is don't do it if you value your marriage.

  3. we did this it was great fun .....but both ppl have to be very opened minded cant let it come between your marriage just gotta think of it as fun

  4. I didn't do that but I know of some of my friends who did it.  First, of all it has to be agreed upon by the two individuals in the relationship.  Also, opens the door to Pandora box, when you invite someone who can do things better than you.  For some men, it can be the size difference and for women, it can be that they move better.  This in itself can cause some problems for the individuals who are left hanging and wanting the third party.  Some said it made the relationship harder because of those mention example.  For others it created major problems or ended the relationship.

  5. never ever have a threesome if you intend on marrying or staying married to that person.  Not always but almost always it ruins the relationship.  The only good time for that is while your single

  6. Opening-up our relationship sexually strengthened it.  We feel this is because it opened-up the communication between us to a level it never had been before, and definitely well beyond what any of our friends had at the time with their spouse, too.  Being able to be open about your sexual fantasies and having your spouse openly accept them without judgment or jealousy is a huge step of trust and security within your relationship.

    There also is another huge increase in trust and security in your relationship with your spouse when you realize that your partner has had good s*x with someone else and they still think you are the best thing in the world. You know then that you don't have to ever fear anyone "taking them away from you".  You've held the door open for them to leave and they didn't.  You know that they are with you because they want to be, not because they have to be.  There is a huge sense of security in knowing this and the trust it developed for us is immeasurable.

    As a comment on the above answer stating that her friend's husband was all gung-ho about it and she finally gave in and did it and her husband then went on to cheat on her.  Cheaters are cheaters and they will do it regardless of whether they have permission to have s*x with someone else or not.  Cheaters love the thrill of cheating, of doing something they are not supposed to and getting away with it, being secretive.

    So her husband didn't cheat on her because she gave him permission to have s*x with someone else once or twice or even more times. He cheated because the thrill for him was in deceiving his wife, not just having s*x with someone else.

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