
How did ancient Greeks give speeces?

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I've heard it said that the Greeks would walk along a familiar path as they were memorizing speeches in order to be able to recall the details later on. They would have written copies of their speeches that they would read aloud as they walked, taking note of various landmarks as they traveled along. As they were speaking they would imagine themselves walking along this familiar path or road, thus enabling them to give very detailed and eloquent speeches without fumbling through written notes.

I am specifically looking for a website where I can read more about this practice. My daughter is in speech class right now and all I can offer her is what I have already said here, so the more detail I can uncover the better. Multiple websites would be even better if you have any better luck than I have so far.




  1. Yes, you are correct, it called using kinesiology (movement) as a memory device!

    Additionally, some Greek orators would put clean & washed pebbles in their mouth, while they practiced, so their words would be spoken most clearly, at the appropriate time!

    Most of all, they would look up the words, such as "speeches", and spell them correctly on their written scripts...


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