
How did cavemen live?????

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did they actually live in caves??




  1. The image of "Cavemen" is the result of many bad B movies, story lines and Gico commercials.

    Most certainly rockshelters were used. These were overhangs where shelters of skin and wood could be built. One such site, clearly showed how a shelter was built against a wall and what materials were used inside and out.

    Caves did have some religious significance. However, the paintings and rites were done deep within the ground and not out where people would live.

    Consider the occurrence of caves. It takes a karst formation to have caves and few are the size as the stereotypical displays of Neanderthals or Early Modern Humans. If a cave wasn't handy, what would they do for shelter? Brush shelters or branches with skins often served. However, they have rotted away and little is left. Caves are much more noticable and have preserved the traces.

    The term "caveman" was coined at the same time of the Neanderthal discoveries. The species was presented as troglodytes, dim witted and pretty much filling the caveman stereotype. The press was bad enough that the damage as never been corrected.

  2. I get the impressioin that early man's time was taken-up almost exclusively in seeking food and shelter, althewhile protecting self and family, with some leisure, painting horses on the walls.

  3. yea, before houses people had to build there own shelter for survival. They had to hunt for food, make there own clothes, and get there own water.

  4. YES!

  5. In Caves, yes.

  6. Yes. We know this because of the cave drawings we find. As well as bones and other things like old dishes and tools.

  7. They do Geico commercials.

  8. They lived in whatever they could make.  Whatever they built it was so easy a caveman could build it.

  9. In caves, in a bush, whatever they could find.

  10. they ate animals in their hometeritory and when they ran out they moved to another teritory

  11. They used the cave as shelter.

    It is a bit obvious that they lived in caves as depicted in some of their wall drawings within the caves.They hunted for meat and would carve trees in the shape of a bowl and eat food in it.

  12. Oh they were terrible terrible creatures.


  13. yes? Never knew about them? ok? they lived  in caves , get some thing or other/ animals etc and carried on tyo eat .

    They actually lived in caves?

  14. Sometimes. There's chronologically concurrent evidence that they built shelter as well though.

  15. In caves, hence the name.

    Some times they ventured forth, leaving cave woman and children behind, to hunt for meat (woolly mammoth, anyone?) and hides.

    When they returned, they illustrated their adventures with cave paintings which still exist (France is full of them, for instance).

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