
How did china manage to get the maximum gold in olympics?

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How did china manage to get the maximum gold in olympics?




  1. This was the Communists's chance to prove themselves on the world stage. They spent billions of money getting their athletes ready and suddenly burst on the scene. The fcat the Chinese have been raised in a culture of loyalty to state made sure they were determined to win in front of their people, to become heroes of the Chinese. And they did that.

  2. The Americans would say they cheated and threw money in. But i think they are really motivated to win in front of their people. Their investment was surely more worthwhile than what the Americans spent on destroying the Middle East..

  3. I think number one is that China really forced to be the top in the Beijing Olympics because they are the host of the games. Also, if you noticed, their athletes are very young. It means, when younger, they were already being trained for it and they were very disciplined and principled about sports. I dunno, because for me, they are just simply passionate and determine to be 'it'. ♥

  4. By beating the rest

  5. because they are the best

  6. Is not coincidence.

    Is not only the fact that they started training really young, The Chinese did special research on different regions trying to identify the people that were genetically fit to a specific sport. For example they went to schools and while making the children played they measured their ability to jump, run, reflexes, etc. It makes sense, at four years old you cannot consider training or doping as a reason for a difference in physical performance, it can only be genetic.

    The average Chinese have a mild physical constitution, but look at their basketball team (they did not lack height against other countries), or the shot putters (they had a lot of bulk). In other countries when a school coach for example, notices you're gaining height, they might tell you could play volleyball or basketball.

    What they did is looked for the most fitted individuals and started training them way early than most athletes do. I know this because it is the same method they use in Cuba, and Cuba is one smallest most successful countries in Olympic History.

  7. The Chinese start training at a very tender age and the kids are extremely dedicated, persevere , obedient and disciplined.

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