
How did communism influence today's society economically, socially, and politically?

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How did communism influence today's society economically, socially, and politically?




  1. Truman's cold war,

    containment in vietnam,

    atom bomb, and the h-bomb

    red scare



  2. If Hillary gets elected, we will see first hand...

  3. People in todays society want others to do and take care of things for them, so its my opinion taht we as americans crave it. That's also what made it easier for past communism to take over and we're on the same path.

    People under communistic reign wish for a more democratic approach.

    We all want what we don't have.

    Your question wasn't very clear so I don't exactly know what your asking if its for a school assignment or what.

  4. Economically- as far as economics communism has been a challenge and due 2 that we had went into a race 2 see who could build the most warheads and due 2 this ronald reagan had upped our technology and had started 2 lift up the "iron-curtain"

    Socially-It affected us in the way of fear but after the threat had dissapated it had made us a stronger more cautious and alert people who met up 2 a challenge.

    Politically- It had begun the rise of discussions into many of the middle-eastern conflicts and is probably the main reason that we are currently involved in the War on Terror, in this regard it was a huge influence.

    hope that answers it :P

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