
How did consciousness evolve?

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How did consciousness evolve?




  1. Evolution questions are simple.  Consciousness evolved because it has helped us survive.  I think that the way consciousness has helped us survive as a species is it has defined who we are as a social animal.

    We are very attracted to those who are thoughtful and intelligent.  We think if we reproduce with someone of this magnitude, we will have thoughtful and intelligent children.  Slowly.... very slowly, our species became even more thoughtful and intelligent because that is what our mate desires and that is what was passed on to our children.

    Therefore, our sexual health (which is all we have as a species.... really) has been largely determined by how thoughtful and intelligent we are.... our consciousness.

  2. I believe it evolved with language. Animals are probably aware of themselves at a very basic level, but they don't Think about it. You may notice that without being able to speak (or write, or communicate) you cannot have a philosophical debate about the Id/me/soul etc. Without communicating in an abstract level the concept of a conscious could not develope.

  3. This is the best question ever....

    No one really knows for sure. It's like magic!

    And, it's still evolving...

  4. That would depend on how you define consciousness.  If you believe it means an awareness of what is happening around you and the ability to alter your behavior based on your surroundings, that was clearly a long time ago and I don't know of any theories aside from creationism.  If you believe it has more to do with ability to remember things that are distant in time and space, you might want to look into recent research into animal cognition.  I would caution, however, that some of that research tends to assume great human superiority without proving it, especially in regard to language.  I truly disliked the whole field from the moment I heard one of the leading researchers lecture that no animal had language except bees and their language might well be unconscious metabolic reactions designed to find food.  I don't think you will find many animal trainers that could agree with that and I certainly don't after years as a dog trainer.

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