
How did countrys get there names?

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i wonder how countrys get there names




  1. i know the us got it's name for the explorer amerigo vespuci america is the female version. united states for the  sep but equal  states within.

    canada      got it from the native  people of the land.

    the united kingdom is a royal kingdom of several nations.

  2. well, mostly they got their names from either the people who discovered them, like america from amerigo vespucci or from the natives

  3. Well Australia got theirs from the words terra australis which was the first name given to it by the Dutch.

  4. actually iceland wasnt named that because it's icy. iceland is actually a very rich green land filled with lots of trees and greenery. greenland is actually more icy then iceland. they basically flipped names on those ones. anywho, countries are mainly named by the people who founded them, or was the king of them.

  5. Argentina from the latin for silver....Canada from a native word meaning which i forget....u.s.a. obvious ...america comes from the exploreres name zealand obvious....south africa - duhhh....Liberia from freedom or liberation...China from china....the list goes rule of thumb my friend

  6. Malaysia

    dunno how malaysia came

    but it was used to be tanah melayu....

    because many malays here

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