
How did criss angel levitate??

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i know it wasnt real or anything but i still wonder how he did it and how he sawed that guys arm off, i just want to go up to him and shake him and say "how!!!




  1. he jumped real high, and paused...

  2. Muahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!!!!!!!... The secrets of the unknown!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  

  3. Tell me if you find out.  He is amazing, even if it is fake! <3

  4. his magical powers


  5. They are many levitations that criss did, some are camera tricks while others are illusions done by props.

    Ive seen the show where he sawed off the "fan's" hand. He wasnt a fan, just an actor, the hand was fake also..if you look back at it you can carely see that it was a fake animatronic hand. Criss does a lot of good tricks/illusions but some are prearranged :(

  6. He explains it himself here:

  7. It is all about making illusions and making you think it is really happening. But remember, TV shows can add effects. Mainly all his stuff is fake.

  8. It's a trick.

    He's a circus geek....

  9. lol, go watch some youtube videos or develop some common sense...

  10. a magician never reveals his secrets  

  11. ropes in front of a fake audience

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