
How did did dinosours die?

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i was just wondering how do u think dinosours died




  1. Well, the dinosaurs wanted to board the Ark, but Noah took one look at them and said, "No way, Jose".

  2. Here is a well developed theory that has been around since before the meteorite impact theory.  This theory (climate change due to massive volcanic activity) still fits all the observations and explains all the data, but has sort of been forgotten about because of the superficial attractiveness of the impact theory, and the very political (and rather unscientific) way the impact theory was forced upon the public.  This web site has good information about the politics of that debate, which is still going...

  3. Dinosaurs died because of some huge natural disaster that they can't avoid and they don't have the technology we have now to prevent them and probably, they weren't able to run far enough to avoid being hit by the disaster...

  4. There are several theories.  One very popular one involves a meteor hitting the area in Canada that was an ice shelf at the time, changing the atmosphere with the dust, etc. and melting the ice shelf.  The ice shelf melt then went into the atlantic ocean and disturbed the air and water currents that keep the earth cool.  Then the earth got too hot and everything died off from the climate change.

    Of course, you have to remember that this was when the continents were closer together, so it was a different "map" then, but that's the basics.

  5. Supposedly a gigantic asteriod or comet hit the earth and ended their reign. Personally I don't know what to believe about those boneheads.

  6. Those that think the dinosaurs died out millions of years ago are perhaps unaware of the large amount of evidence indicating that they lived recently alongside man.

    There are many written accounts and depictions of dinosaurs.

    Remember that the word dinosaur was invented in 1841. Before that people used names like dragon.

    People from all over the world have accounts of dinosaurs: the Chinese who have incorporated it into their lunar calendar, The Welsh who have the dragon in their flag; The account of the Saxon Beowolf; The native american thunderbird; and other stories from many other nations. The Romans even made mosaics of them.

    Furthermore, dinosaur fossils have even been found containing blood cells - hardly 65 million years old.

    But check the evidence for yourself - don't by brainwashed by dogmatic evolutionists who don't want us to think for ourselves :)

    The main reason they've died out is most likely because they've been hunted to extinction - good old St George.




  9. The asteroid theory others have mentioned seems to be it. There's vast and varied evidence for it.

    probably has stuff on it.


    Uh, ignore the "creationist" answer that talks about dinosaurs living fairly recently; that's all dog-doo, not science.

  10. Evidence indicates a large asteroid struck the Earth ~ 65.5 million years ago.  Much debate exists over wheather this caused the extinction of all dinosaurs, but it no doubt caused a considerable climate change. This is a good run down on evidence gathered to support the hypothesis:

    "Evidence for the Asteroid Impact Hypothesis

    Impact Crater

    This 150-kilometer-wide crater lies just off the Yucatan peninsula. Scientists calculate that it was blasted into Earth by a 10-kilometer-wide asteroid or comet traveling 30 kilometers per second -- 150 times faster than a jet airliner.

    Scientists have concluded that the impact that created this crater occurred 65 million years ago. The date corresponds perfectly to the date of the dinosaur extinction.

    Rare Metal

    The metal iridium, which is similar to platinum, is very rare on Earth's surface but is more common in asteroids and in molten rock deep within the planet.

    Scientists have discovered levels of iridium 30 times greater than average in the Cretaceous/Tertiary (KT) boundary, the layer of sedimentary rock laid down at the time of the dinosaur extinction.

    Melted Rock

    These pieces of once-molten rock, called impact ejecta, are evidence of an explosion powerful enough to instantly melt bedrock and propel it more than a hundred miles from its origin.

    Ranging in size from large chunks to tiny beads, impact ejecta are common at or near the Cretaceous/Tertiary (KT) boundary, the geological layer that defines the dinosaur extinction."

    However, eruptions from "deep earth" volcanos can also distribute iridium, but it is not  likely that so  many deep volcanos would erupt at the same time.

    This a fine read on the volcano hypothesis:

    Recent DNA evidence indicates birds evolved from dinosaurs (the T-Rex's nearest living relative is the common chicken), so a few smaller ones did survive to evolve.

  11. They died because they did not adapt. But, it's big business to keep their story alive.

  12. Supposedly a huge meteor hit where the Gulf of Mexico is and it clouded out the sun for many years killing off plant life that starved out the dinosaurs and many other life forms.

  13. probably the same way as creatures today die.  Some get eaten, some die of old age, some get diseases, and some are just in the wrong place at the wrong time.

    Of course, the dinos with the lucky strikes rolled up in their T-shirt sleeves probably died of lung cancer.

  14. There are several theories of why the dinosours died out but there is now widespread evidence that a meteorite impact was at least the partial cause for this extinction. But Keep in mind that there is no absolutely proven theory. None knows for certain exactly why and how the dinosaurs became extinct. But several popular theories are:

    -Asteroid Strikes

    -volcanic activity

    -ice age


    -gradually changed in climate

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