
How did elizabeth 1's parents influence her????

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please give me at least an idea




  1. Just remember that different people are going to give different answers based on their level on knowledge.

    Her mother was beheaded while she was still a child and she spent alot of time away from court and her father The King, Henry VIII.

    I think that the biggest influence was staying out of trouble and not to get involved in the power plays of the court and royal intrigue.  To stay in the good graces of her sister Queen Mary and to disavow any knowledge of the plots to put her on the throne on England and remove her sister.

    There are whole books written on Elizabeth I that cover her whole life.  My recommendation is to check out these books from the library and start reading and form a good basis for yourself.

    Good Luck!

  2. They probably infulenced her not marrying-Elizaeth saw what her father had done (had her mother executed), and was most likely very wary of men because of it. Any man she chose to marry would become King, and she would most likely "play 2nd fiddle" to him.

    Her father (Henry V111) probably also influenced her strength in leading the people. She often quoted in her speeches his influence:

    "I am my fathers daughter"

    "I may have the body of a weak and feeble woman, but I have the stomach of a king"

    "Inside me beats the heart of a lion"(Henry was often referred to as a lion)

    She also referred to herself as a lion cub

    Hope this helps!

  3. I believe she was not given much of a chance.. that her parents could influence her a lot.. her mother Anna Boelyn was beheaded on orders from her husband . the king Henry VIII.. Henry the VIII did not approve of Elizabeth as he always hoped for a son.. Then there was her half sister.. the daughter of Katherine of Aragon.. who was his daughter from his first marriage and then he finally had a son with Jane Seymour.. only upon his death and Queen Mary's death.. (her step sisters death) Elizabeth was forced to be Queen... she must have received her schooling in all that was expected in those times from a royal child.. had special tutors.. or governesses but I believe the fact that her parents neglected her.. (Henry VIII neglected her and took no interest in her at all) Anne Boelyn her mother would have had influence over her but  she was executed.. I believe that helped Queen Elizabeth I to become a rather self willed and for her time independent woman who knew how to rule her country rather well without a male consort to assist her as she never married...x*x I do believe she was therefore born into a less sheltered life than Queen Victoria... who had family and the love of a husband... and lots of children and grandchildren.. xx

  4. Her father was a powerful king, and he probably influenced her to want to be as strong a monarch as he was.

    She was less than three years old when her mother died, so she probably wasn't much influenced by her, she probably didn't even remember her.

  5. Her mother was into fashion and hygiene.♠

  6. They probably taught her routines like brushing her teeth and taking a daily bath.


    Ok, in light of jihazzar's answer, I have to say that Liz 1's mom taught her to not "lose her head" over small things in life.

    And whoever chopped her mother's head off, taught Liz 1 how to get "a-head" in life...


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