
How did english literature thrive during Queen Elizabeth the first's reign?

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can anyone explain the positive effects of Queen Elizabeth the firsts reign?Blossoming of literature?Expanding of English influence on the New World?And the laying to rest of religious fears?




  1. The main reason why English is around the world is because English came from England. Ppl who wanted to live in the U.S from England when America was discovered by Amerigo Vespucci not columbus because columbus discovered the west indies. and the indians were already there.

    Anyway ppl who wanted to live england because the taxes were to high and the moved to the east coast because england only owned that part of the U.S at that time. Then it was the American Revolution and the Americans won.

    So the first americans were from England and they made this country and took over the south, midwest, and west from France, and Spain and the made this country we have know and they kept their native language which is english. And ppl all over the world liked this country so the came here and learned the native language which is English

  2. Children in the early Elizabethan period were encouraged to go to school and learn how to read. During the Catholic rule, all Church services were conducted in Latin, which no one really understood. When Elizabeth came onto the throne, she introduced the Book of Common Prayer, which was in English, so people could actually read out loud and understand. Children were more educated, so they could also read to their parents. This is also when the Elizabethan plays and theater flourished.

    Elizabeth I was actually a wise and clever woman, she will not punish people for their faith, unlike her half sister, Queen Mary of England. She had somewhat of a religious tolerance, and ruled only in the best interest of country, which was not based on religious differences. She was famous for stating that, she will not prosecute Catholics, and they are free to practice their faith in their own home, however, she will only punish those who disobey the law.

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