
How did everyone do on the june 7 SAT?

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I didn't improve much, only 10 points from my last one.. I was so disappointed. My CR score dropped 60 points.. how is that possible? That was the thing that screwed up my score! I'm so mad but if I superscore from my last test I get a 1990. Is that a good score? How did you guys do?




  1. I got an 1880

    690 in CR, 660 in writing and 530 in math

    11 on my essay

  2. 1800

    I'm a sophomore though so I've got plenty of time to retake it. I'm just being optimistic though, haha I do hope it goes up a little though!

  3. I only got an 1810. I wouldn't worry though because a 1990 is an awesome score!

  4. That's great. A 1990 will by no means hurt  your chances for admitting to most universities.  You should only take it again if feel like you could have done much better.  I don't know where you plan on going to college, but for many of the  VERY selective public schools in California (UC Berkeley, UCLA), the average is probably between 2000 and 2100. Don't worry about that score; it will not hurt you. Be sure your GPA is up to par with everything else.

    I graduated a couple years ago (2006) and was part of the first graduating class required to take the new SAT. My best score was in the 1900s, but it was more my GPA (3.5) and lack of volunteer work that ultimately made the difference. Good luck, anyways!

    P.S. Cornell University isn't the most competitive Ivy League in the book (not taking anything away from the school); in fact Northwestern may be a bit more selective.  Anyhow, worry more about extracurriculars (leadership experience is best) with Cornell and more about academic status with Northwestern. You'd have to have about a perfect GPA (whatever your scale is; higher is always better) for both schools (I'm assumed you've handled that). You'll be fine. Great job so far and keep it up!

  5. i 4got my score lol

  6. 1880.

    CR - 630

    Writing - 650

    Math - 600

  7. 790 on the sat ii bio :D

    i didn't answer 2 questions and i knew i got one wrong so it was the best i was hoping to get :)

    aw, i'm so sorry! dude, 1990 is h**l good! not sure about cornell though... here's a plan. no matter what you still have one more chance in sept./oct, right? study all summer and you'll make it! you really will

  8. I only improved by 10 points on my CR and Writing! I got a 10 on my essay though! But I improved a lot in math. I got a 1800 total so I'm going to take it again in October.  A 1990 is a great score.

  9. I just checked it! But I only took it for US History... I got a 670. I don't know if thats good or not?! Hah, I just got done with my sophomore year  and my dumb AP teacher didn't teach us some of the stuff.

    But I Have a 4.7 gpa so far and a 30 on the ACT so gosh, I hope my 670 doesn't s***w me over for when I apply to college, I wanna go to like Boston College and stuff. =/

  10. I improved by about 140 points i believe

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