
How did everyone do on their AP tests?

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I think I did okay. I got a 4 on AP Language and Comp. And a 3 on U.S history. How about everyone else?




  1. I did really good!

    I scored a 5 on my AP European History test.

  2. The college that I'm going to received my AP scores before I did!  

    AP Lit: 3 (i FAIL at english)

    AP Statistics: 4

    AP Psychology: 5

    Taking all of my AP scores together, I now have a perfect half of a bell curve.

    I have four 3s, three 4s, and two 5s.  how amusing.

  3. How did you find out your scores.  Did you call or were they sent to you?

  4. Just finished junior year and here are my scores so far:

    Sophomore year:

    Human Geography: 3

    Junior Year:

    Chemistry: 5

    English Language: 3

    Calculus AB: 5

    Psychology: 5


  5. I am not giving that greedy thing called collegeboard 8 bucks to find out something I can know in 2 weeks.

  6. I got a 1 on AP Bio, 3 on AP Psy, and 5 on AP Calc.

    I am in such a bad mood right now. How could I got 1 on AP Bio,  

    I did well on my Bio class, and I thought I did okay on that test. Why~~~~~~~~~

    Anyway, good luck

  7. I thought ap scores did not come back until the 3rd week of july?

  8. I did okay. I'm kinda just glad that I passed. I got 3's on calculus and english language. Yay! College Credit!

  9. I got the same....... But I really wanted a 5 on the Language and Comp. one! I thought the U.S. one was sooo hard, my teacher never got around to teaching us about Vietnam so that Essays were alittle tough lol.

  10. This year I took AP Bio and English Literature, I think I did alright, but I only hope so.  Last year I took spanish and I got a 5.  Sadly, at my school, they only offer 5 AP classes.  This year I'm gonna take English Lang and Comp

  11. I did pretty well i got:

    AP Biology: 4

    AP US History: 4

    AP Caclulus AB: 4

    AP English Lang&Comp: 5

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