
How did feminism become so popular when...?

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... arguments for feminism are almost always so weak, and defense of feminists arguments so inclined to be little more than emotional rants?




  1. It goes like this: no matter how much a thing is disliked by one group it will be liked by another.  The fact that it is being liked will keep it alive.

    Edit@ Mystical: So, then what you are saying is Feminism is not about the social, economical and political equality between men and women. Even though feminists differ that is their mainstay.  Since, you have said this it will safely assumed, till proved wrong; all feminists have lied through their eye teeth concerning this matter.

    also is this correct or has it all changed?

    The name "feminism" suggests a single ideology, but in reality the movement has many subgroups. Due to historical precedents, the current legal status of women in certain countries, and other factors, feminist ideology has been compelled to move in different directions to achieve its goals. As a result, there are many different kinds of feminism.

    Thus in the end could it be said that this social, economical and political equality will only be met when those who want it kow tow to your ways?

  2. You have many accusations in your commentary but no evidence to prove them.  You appear to be uninformed and naive about the feminist movement.  There are many different forms of feminism.  Different feminists support different causes, even ones that other feminists might not.  Do some research and know what you're talking about before you make wild accusations.

  3. It goes like this - No matter how much reason and logic are polished/corrected/improved/highlighted, there will be a group that doesn't believe in reason and logic. Such groups will always keep their 'gang' alive.

  4. Brainwashing. Much like racism. If mommy teaches you that that black kid down the street is evil while you are growing up, you will continue to believe it and teach your own kids the same thing. In this case they teach that boys are stupid, evil, pedophiles and rapist murderers (or they just let them watch Lifetime). Then when they are old enough, they refuse to see reality (like racists) even when they are presented with facts and continue in their predecessor's ways by spewing the same lies and rhetoric that the rest of us have heard for decades.

  5. How come antifeminists never respond to arguments or facts except with wild accusations?

  6. your thought might just be wrong.....

    obviously you have proven yourself wrong

  7. You might want to refer to that study recently published by Johns Hopkins, the one that says that everyone has had their own opinions throughout history and continues to do so today.

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