
How did george bush come to power in small sentances?

by Guest58499  |  earlier

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How did george bush come to power in small sentances?




  1.                    Basicly when recounts such as in Florada took place the punch cards were not clear. People were up set that their punch card that didn't punch right were being counted right such as Gore wanted to  count those that voted democrate but missing the president punch to be counted as his. some people didn't want to vote for president .

    Those people were ticked.

                       the chads and dimple were falling off and the cards were getting bent it was hard to be sure about anything.

                      The election was very close population wise but the electoral college decised it has always been that way Bush won.

  2. He got fewer popular votes than Gore. He should have had fewer electoral votes too.  However, the Supreme Court prevented a recount in Florida. The rest is history.  The end.

  3. Stole the vote.

  4. Electoral College.

  5. Smart in knowing when to duck.

    Luke 8.10,17

    What do you think?

  6. His father's connections... otherwise a lazy idiot

    like him could never have gotten elected dog catcher.

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