
How did ghosts and other supernatural entities make themselves known BEFORE domestic electricity?

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I cannot help but notice that paranormal activity (ghosts et al) seems to be connected to malfunctioning home appliances. Especially TVs, lights and every now and then the odd car battery. How on earth did these entities communicate with homo sapiens before nearly all people had access to domestic electricity?




  1. A spirit will manifest from any electrical source dependent upon the amount of free electrons present, and the kind of strength or personality that person had in life. Sometimes near earth faults there is alot of magnetic energy which can stir up electrons, perfect condition for a spirit to appear or random strangeness to occur. A carpeted room, an improperly grounded house or even machinery and everyday appliances can cause manifestations.

    So back in the day pre-electricity it just depended upon the amount of electrons stored up or conditions leading up to the contact. I think that's why seances sometimes make positive contact - people generate energy fields and by making phsical contact with a wooden table and placing our feet on the ground, we are in fact making an electrical source for spirits to use to manifest.

    Even home construction using several different kinds of materials can cause manifestation. Even in a log cabin with glass, leather, wood, a cast iron stove a pile rug, feathers(pillows) all these materials can store and release electrons when used.

  2. Did you ever hear of a full body apparition? I don't really trust the so called scientific methods of ghost hunting today. I know ghosts exist because I saw one and he spoke to me. That is the way you really know there is a ghost in the house, either that or you know you have gone crazy.


  3. They take energy from all sorts of things other than electricity.  They can draw energy from humans, animals, plants, fire, water & all earth elements.

  4. Don't you remember in those old movies (when they had to use candles for lights)...and they had those huge portraits on the walls...the ghosts would communicate through the eyes of the portraits...following every one around the room and up the staircase?. (sorry for the run on sentence!)

  5. Well, I'm a psychic medium, so I have a lot of spiritual activity in my house, and I can tell you that none of that has or will ever happen in my house, because I won't allow it. I've told my guides it's a distinct no no. It'll scare my kids.

    But they can make themselves known by touching you (I've had my hair stroked). You'll often notice a distinct icy cold spot in the room (or, in the case of the spirit kitties I've had on occassion, on a specific area of the body, such as the feet, which is where said kitties like to sit). The hair on the back of your neck will stand on end. You'll get a distinct sense of being watched--when you're completely alone. Ummmm, what else... sometimes you'll notice things missing only to turn up in a completely different spot (you know darn well you put that right here, but suddenly it's over there, and nobody touched it). You'll often see shadows out the corner of your eyes, like someone just disappeared around a corner, but when you look, there's no one there.

    It's all very subtle stuff and very easily dismissed as "my imagination" you know? It's why there are so many  doubters--I've been told by my spirit guides that it takes a good amount of energy for a spirit to manifest or to move things, and I get a sense as well that not alot of them even know how to do that stuff.

  6. they would make candles go out before they needed to and also cast strong winds into a house without windows open

  7. they have been talked of since the beginning of time. Ancient Chinese accounts are written of. There are Egyptian accounts of visitations. The Greeks wrote of visitations from ghosts. They appear the same way as modern ghosts do, interacting with the living. By sight, sound, smell, rattling stuff. Electricity has nothing to do with their ability to appear, it just gave them new ways. Thats like saying how did people store their food, read, or use a sewing machine before there was electricity.

  8. I understand that you have no desire for an answer to this question but for those who might actually want information I will post an answer.

    Ghosts reportedly made themselves known by poltergeist type activity (knocking on walls and communicating in code one rap for yes, two raps for no, spelling out the alphabet, etc. This activity was blamed on noisy ghosts but thought by almost all current parapsychologist to be the result of RSPK (recurrent spontaneous psychokinesis). This is thought to be what is happening in many modern cases as well as that electronic objects are much easier (even by normal means - virus, crashes, shorts) to cause to malfunction.

    Most of reported ghosts cases if you read the actual reports (and not Skeptics arm chair after the fact investigations)  do not involve appliances or electrical problems (this is much more likely to be ruled RSPK ONLY when all natural explanations have been reasonably exhausted.

    More typical ghost cases involve visionary experiences (seeing them) and auditory experiences (hearing footsteps but not seeing a source) and have been reported for centuries (and continue to be reported) and have never required electricity or appliances.

  9. In the old times before modern electronics it was a lot harder for spirits to communicate, which must have been very frustrating for them. Back then the only way they could communicate was through seances or by the older standard poltergeist tricks. I think the spirit world is much more at peace now that we can electronically detect their attempts to communicate.

  10. In the old days ghosts would hang out in old wind mills and other power generating devices.They would be active elsewhere during electrical storms.That's why to this day.If you're reading a ghost story or watching a movie.There's a good chance thunder and lightening are in the background.

  11. Prior to the electric age in the late 19th century, most "paranormal entities" suffered extreme bouts of flatulence. This tended to disrupt kerosene and gas lamps, and would often violently extinguish candles.

  12. They moved furniture & laterns & candles

  13. Electricity is everywhere; domestic electricity is just one form of it. Think of the little shock you feel when you touch something in cold, dry air. And what about lightning?

    So that's how ghosts have always appeared - usually in cold dry air. Whether they really communicate with people is another question. Believing ghost appearences is not the same as believing in a realm of spirits with a will of their own.

  14. Ghosts are mere imaginations in your mind. You can make them live or inert, as you wish. Things happening naturally are highlighted by persons of weaker vision as supernatural activity. Whatever happens, it all happens in nature but not beyond nature. Our senses can't sense what is not natural.

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