
How did he propose to you?

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How did he propose to you?




  1. My husband proposed during our Singles Sunday School class.  He got down on one knee and had the engagement ring in a cracker jack box.  I loved it!  

  2. On our two anniversary at the restaurant where we had our first date.

  3. well we went on our monthly skydive and for some reason he wanted us to jump at the same time. i was curious because he always wants me to go first-which i never understood. so as im approaching the ground i went to pull the loop and it was a ring. i freaked out and couldnt believe it so i forgot to pull the ring so the parachute never came out. my boyfriend wnt flying away and i broke all my bones into the ground. so much for my wedding.  lol

  4. It was Christmas Eve... I came home to the house all dark, but lit up with candles. He had gotten 12 dozen roses and had them everywhere. He made a little path of rose petals and roses leading from the kitchen door, through the living room and up the stairs. When I got to the top of the stairs, he was waiting there for me. He told me how much he loved me and asked me to marry him. I said yes, of course, and then he took out the ring and put it on my finger. It was the sweetest, most romantic thing ever. It was beautiful!

  5. i proposed to him on the 29th feb this year.  i made him dinner then presented a home made cake with the words will you marry me iced on it.  he bought me a ring the next day and we get wed in 3 months!  best thing i ever did!

  6. He proposed a breakup after I smacked him and he pushed me off his deck in front of his family after I caught him with another girl....oops wrong proposal sorry.

  7. I'm still waiting for my perfect proposal, but I can tell you about 2 of my friends...  

    One set of my friends were together for 4 years but hadn't gotten to take a "vacation" together in a long time.  So, they decided to go to the mountains and stay at a bed and breakfast for a long weekend.  Just something simple that would get them out of the house.  Well, the first day they were there, she was tired and wanted to take a little nap before dinner.  He comes into the room and starts jumping on the bed saying "c'mon, lets go do something, c'mon, get up" she basically told him to go away.  He said "fine, but I have a surprise for you, ... guess you don't want it." and got up and left the room.  Knowing that she would be right behind him.  Sure enough, she got up to follow him and when she opened the door to the hallway, he was standing there with a ring in her face.  That's when he got down on one knee and popped the big question.  

    My other friends met doing karoke, they are both "champions" and have gotten a few local awards.  So, after 3 years together, he called her up on the stage, sang their song, got down on one knee and asked her to marry him.  It was perfect for them.


    that is probably the coolest way ever to propose

  9. We talked about getting married and decided we were ready. So we settled on a date and let everybody know we were engaged.

  10. well the way i proposed to my fiancee is i got down on one knee and said "Will you marry me?"....yeah

  11. We talked about getting married and agreed we would, to make it official one day he took everything out of his frig at his apartment and lined it with huge letters that spelled out will you marry me with the ring sitting in the middle, he asked me to grab hims something to drink and when I turned around he was standing there. Was so cute.

  12. After church we went to his house and i was setting on his love seat infront of the fireplace and he got down on one knee and ask me to marry him  and of course I said yes  we have been married for 4 years now ,he is not only my husband but my best friend

  13. At the Nascar Race on lap 360

  14. We went for a walk down in a park in a local canyon....we were walkin under so overhanging rocks and i had taken off my flip flops and was walking in the water. I had my back turned to him and he said "look babe i can see myself!" i was confused so i turned around and he was down on one knee and he said "falling for you! will you marry me babe?" it was one of the best days of my life :-) we are getting married in 8 days and i cannot wait to spend the rest of my life with the best friend i have ever had.  

  15. He did it infront of a crowd of people.  Started off saying really nice things about me, then he took the ring out of his pocket, got on one knee, and asked "the big question".  It's was perfect.

  16. Well, technically, I ended up being the one to propose to him.  I had already figured out in advance exactly when and where he was planning to propose.  Then when the time came, he was acting really nervous and chickening out.  So I suggested we drive to a beautiful lake afterwards, and wrote "Will you marry me?" in big letters in the sand.  He started crying and then took out the ring and slipped it on my finger.

  17. He asked me to be pretty that night, so I did, he took me in front of his whole family, they had some nice food and a beautiful chocolate cake with our names on it (square) then he got on his knees and he was sweating and shaking...i go...oh oh....then he said to me would you like to be my loving wife for ever and ever???  Oh Lord, I cried, and I said yesssssssss!  Then we went to Vegas and now we are married!!!!!

  18. Well... no one proposed to me yet... but I can't wait till the day the love of my life does... ))))

  19. my SILs hubby took her on a picnic for her bday and first gave her some collectible angels she wanted, the "together" ones of a guy/girl.

    He is a photographer.....he gave her a pretty picture frame w/ a b/w pic of her ring (which was custom designed so it would be just what she wanted) and the pic said "will you marry me" . She says, oh i want a ring just like that, and then looks up to see him on his knee with that ring.

  20. on Christmas, under the romantic!

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