
How did homo sapiens survive?

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and we are not homo sapiens we are not homo sapiens we are homo sapiens sapiens and yes we are.




  1. evolution..environmental adaptation...

  2. By the use of tools, fire, weapons, superior communication, planning, and by co-operating with, and then domesticating dogs, then cattle, and horses.

  3. Dear you will get all you answers on the link below:


    I suppose they lived in caves mostly though I found nothing about their living conditions

  4. Not sure what you mean.  We are...

    Genus: Homo

    Species: sapiens

    Variety: sapiens

    So, yes, we are Homo sapiens.

    /Homo sapiens sapiens/ differentiates us from /Homo sapiens neanderthalensis/ (which some taxonomists no longer even accept as a valid classification) and /Homo sapiens idaltu/, for instance.  All of these are Homo sapiens.

    But I will assume you're reffering to the Archaic Homo Sapiens, i.e. the early Homo sapiens immediately following Homo erectus and ergaster, etc...  

    But taking that into consideration -- what are you asking?  How did they survive what?

    I have this question on my Watch list and will check back to answer when I understand what you're asking better.

  5. family-homo



    You are correct! We are homo sapien sapien. As opposed to homo sapien neanderthalus.  We were very lucky to survive extinction.  All other upright walking hominids didn't make it, and our population dwindled to the point of extinction at one point.  We probably survived because of our intellegence, and with it, our ability to adapt quickly to abrupt changes in our environment.

  6. Luck, for one. But also because our kind possess that remarkable glob of goo and wiring, a brain, which did not stand idle, which discovered fire and made and used tools and came together first in packs, like wolves, and then in tribes and communities. Language! Oh, yes, language! And ever so slowly, logic. Along the way we invented gods, put caves behind us, made full use of wood and built shelter, domesticated wolves (our first dogs), cut back on killing others, and dressed for the cold. And a bunch of other stuff. It did not happen overnight, and we are still learning, making use of our brains. Look at your computer. Us.

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