
How did humankind get the idea of making clothes out of raw metirial?

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How did humankind get the idea of making clothes out of raw metirial?




  1. They were probably cold.

  2. Well let us presume they had a smidgin of common sense!!!!!!   Oh Doh I feel cold.  Oh Doh that bear skin might stop me from freezing my b......s off!!!!    End of story.

  3. Evolutionary biologists believe that the very first article of clothing was a belt, around the waist, on which to carry light tools...for cutting meat, fruit, breaking nuts, and starting fires...

    Later, as bi-pedal Hominids migrated away from the Equator, both north & south, and began to have a regular diet of meat, from both scavenging & hunting, the one part of the carcass that couldn't be eaten, was the hide (even bones can be cracked open for the marrow inside)...

    So, being that the nights were colder, the further away from the Equator these early Hominins traveled, dried out animal hides were probably first used as blankets, at night, and later fashioned into day & night garments...

  4. We were cold and fur was warm. As with most inventions, clothing was bred from necessity.

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