
How did i do i want to start eating healthy ?

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how is this sound today

2 bowls ceral with milk

2 sandwitches



=1500 calories




  1. sound healthy! good job cereal is very healthy and sandwhiches too but....make sure you put healthy stuff on it not like jam or butter! cheese chichen salad etc is good on a healtyh sand which and loads of water 8 glasses! hope i helped pls help me too!

  2. Good Job in starting off to eat healthily.

    You can follow the Dietary Guidelines which built around the ABC of good nutrition.  They are Aim, Base and Choose your way to good health.

    - Aim to achieve and maintain a healthy body weight

    - Base daily diet on the Healthy Diet Pyramid

    - Choose wisely for good health

  3. Not good at all...........You should try 1 BigMac with Fries three times a day, 7 days a week...............You will become healthy as h**l.

  4. That does not sound like 1500 calories.  What kind of bread?  If it was whole grain that is better than if it was white.  We don't know what kind of sandwich you had but it looks like not enough protein.  No fresh fruits and veggies.  So it was not terrible, but not really healthy either.  

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