
How did i get rid or stretch marks?

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How did i get rid or stretch marks?




  1. Fresh stretch marks appear initially as red lines and then slowly fade to a pale white color over the course of several months. Below is the link regarding Stretch Marks.

  2. there's no way to actually get rid of them (unless you get surgery) but there is a product called Bio Oil & it makes them barely really works!

  3. There is a lot of stretch mark treatment available on the market these days. Some treatments are more effective in fading or even eliminating stretch marks, but the success of the treatment depends on a few different things. First of all is the color and age of the stretch marks. If they have faded to a flesh color they are much harder to heal. Second of all, ethnicity and heredity play a role in which creams, oils and other products or equipment will succeed in healing stretch marks.

    The cheapest stretch mark treatment available is creams made especially for stretch marks. The most effective creams contain ingredients such as cocoa butter, lanolin and wheat germ oil. These creams actually heal and rebuild the damaged skin. While they may not be able to completely eliminate stretch marks, they may at least make the stretch marks fade to a barely visible scar. A good recommendation will be Palmer Cocoa Butter Cream.

    Another popular & effective cream that you might wish to consider is Strivectin. It has a bioactive topical formula that has a combination of skin firming agents to reduce visible wrinkles and make skin appear firmer

    If you are interested in more effective ways of getting rid of stretch marks, you can read abt them from this site:

  4. How You Can Get Rid of Stretch Marks?

    Getting rid of stretch marks is the main theme of this website but it is also something that a great many women (and some men) worry about every day.  I get numerous emails asking how to get rid of stretch marks quickly.  The people that email me promise me that they won't attend an event of a lifetime if they can't get rid of stretchmarks.  Quite honestly, stretch marks should not keep you from doing the thing in life that are fun. Period.

    If you're faced with an upcoming event and you're asking yourself "How Can I Get Rid of Stretch Marks FAST?", then you need to realize that stretch marks can't go away quickly without surgery.  Stretch marks take time to develop, and they will take time to go fade.

    Now that you know getting rid of stretch marks takes time, let's talk about what we can do to minimize the appearance of stretch marks for your big event.

    Use a self tanning lotion or cream.  This works especially well on older, silver-white stretch marks.  I use a Q tip to apply tanner directly onto the stretch marks two or three days before a special occasion.  The next day, I apply the tanning cream to my entire body to blend in the stretch mark application.

    Buy an awesome outfit.  Buy a new dress or suit that accentuates the other parts of your body and covers up your stretch marks.  Most stretch marks appear on the buttocks, thighs, and b*****s.  These areas are very easy to cover up.  If your stretch marks are on your arms, an outfit with long sleeves or even sheer sleeves would do the trick.

    Now that we're addressed stretch marks in the short term, let's get back to getting rid of stretch marks.  For newer reddish colored stretch marks, the pulse dye laser heats up the affected area and causes blood vessel walls to collapse near the surface.  This significantly reduces the color of the stretch marks but doesn't get rid of them.

    For older, white stretch marks, eximer laser treatments work great to increase pigment production in the stretch marks.  After a series of treatments, your stretch marks become the color of the rest of your skin

    for more info on Stretch marks check this site out:

  5. You could try a cream, but usually the just have to diminish through time.

  6. Cocoa Butter

  7. to address stretch mark issues about these subjects:

        * Vitamin E stretch marks remedy

        * Stretch marks natural remedy

        * Stretch marks on legs

        * Omnilux treatment for stretch marks

        * Stretch marks and laser surgery

        * Emu oil for stretch marks

        * Mustela stretch mark cream

        * Silica for stretch marks

        * ”What really works to remove my stretch marks?…”

    here's a good reference plus no nonsense tips on natural remedies that work -

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