
How did i violate?

by  |  earlier

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how does the question "whats the weather like now" violate community guidelines. could someone please tell me




  1. it depends on what you mean with that question. maybe the question is not properly categorized or the question has another  meaning so it have violated some guidelines. always be careful in asking because there are many answerers who are quite sensitive

  2. maybe you could be stalking someone, you could ask the person and look it up on the weather channel and kill them. :) or maybe they were just really mean.

  3. It didn't.  Someone is probably harassing you.  If you get this, I'd strongly recommend you challenge the violation report.  There is a link to do this right in the violation message you get.  Yahoo isn't very speedy about it, but they do review these, and if they agree with you they reinstate your post and points.  They also take steps against people who do the bogus reporting, including warnings, and temporary or permanent bans.  It's easy to do and well worth your time.  It's a matter of maintaining some standards of behavior.
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