
How did illegal immigration get so out of control?

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How did illegal immigration get so out of control?




  1. Because people that it didn't effect chose to ignore it in the beginning and now it's spun out of control. People have a way of ignoring things if they're comfortable.

  2. The Big:                       We did not seize anything from Mexico, it was bought and paid for. Read your history! When you don't know what your talking about you give other people false and misleading information. This is a serious matter than needs attention and action now. It's not time for fun and games.

  3. It's sort of like drinking till your drunk and out of control.

    It's been our nation binging on cheap labor and garnering MORE people to consume.

    At some point the pleasure of the drink overcomes your ability to perform and things start to fall apart. In illegal immigration the benefits of cheap labor ...mostly filling the coffers of the wealthier capitalists that use such labor in larger numbers, begins to shift wherein the by products of this cheap labor start affecting culture generally. The cheap labor ruins fair wages for Americans, the criminality destroys Insurance coverage, denigrates culture, financially ruins health care, over populates certain areas, causes global warming, congestion. Language barriers break become established. Education is compromised to a lower level. And finally, political balance can be effected. It's really a disaster just about ready to happen.

    Add to that that the permission for these Illegals to be here has now got some of the more rad dweebs in that group deciding they are going to take over the USA. And they will if they can. It's well on it's way.

    So NOW, WE STOP IT. Or it will be the end of our country and no one will be more at fault than WE ARE for allowing it to happen.

  4. It has been happening since the USA seized half of Mexico. Nothing new, but after 911 many people in the USA began to display their xenophobia

  5. Time.

  6. Because of our politicians not doing enough to control it. Also our politicians are more interested in big corporations and the money they all get from these companies than the American people that they promise to protect.

  7. because our government has no respect for the rule of law, prefering the rule of elite

    think about it - by what process did the citizen ever consent to this?

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