
How did it turn out for you!?

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I am moving schools very soon and I want to make a good first impression. I would like to know how it turned out for you, did you make many freinds, and if so, how did you approach people e.t.c. Did you find it hard to settle in, or if not, what did you do? It would be appreciated if you could answer my q's as I really need some advice! Or if you can tell me any more about how you made a good first impression e.t.c. thanks :)




  1. Usually you find people will approach you (: You don't really have to worry about approaching people. People are very nice to you when you are new and will help you settle in. Just be yourself and act naturally.

  2. I started a new high school a year ago and I was really nervous to begin with, as my previous school had 130 students and my new school has 1300! There's always one group of girls who try and pull you into their group, as I discovered. I hung with them for a while then after like a month of still not feeling comfortable with them, I started to hang out with my boyfriend's friends more and gradually adjusted to that group. A year on and I'm still not fully settled in! I begun to depend on one girl, but she belongs in that group and I still don't feel quite right. So my advice is that you are outgoing and seem friendly and approachable. Don't rely on that one person, make sure you have several people that you can't rely on and keep your options open. Good luck!

  3. I have moved schools a lot so know how you are feeling!

    Main things I've found:

    1) Listen-spend first few days as a good listener, ask questions and find out about the place, the people etc...this way you can get a feel for what sort of environment you're in.

    2) Look for people who you think 'look' like you'd get on with them...I know this sounds shallow but if you have similar tastes such as clothes, pencil case theme etc then chances are you'll get on!

    3) I spent a lot of time on how I looked as I knew that the first time people saw me they'd make their judgement straight away so think how you want to be percieved and go with that!

    4) Dont limit your self to just one group of friends in the first week as you will want to get to know a few people so you're not stuck in one group for ever :)

    5) smile and act confident-you may not feel it but pretend--because people are attracted to confidence!

  4. As long as you don't take yourself too seriously, everything should turn out fine.

    There's nothing people hate more than the new kid who walks in and thinks they own the place.

    People tend to like other people more if they can make the occasional joke about themselves.

    And having a few good, funny, interesting stories to tell can't hurt.

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